Antiferromagnetism, Chromium compounds, Lanthanum compounds, Lead compounds, Manganese compounds, Perovskite, Antiferromagnetic phase transition, Electronic configuration, High pressure and high temperature, Isostructural, Ordering temperature, Perovskite oxides, Spin couplings, Spin interaction, Boron compounds
An A-site ordered but B-site disordered quadruple perovskite oxide PbMn3Cr3MnO12 was synthesized by high-pressure and high-temperature methods. The compound crystallizes in space group Im-3 with the charge distribution of Pb2+Mn3+3Cr3+3Mn4+O12. Three antiferromagnetic phase transitions are found to occur at TN1 ≈ 155, TN2 ≈ 81, and TN3 ≈ 74 K, respectively, due to the complex B-site and A′-B intersite spin interactions. Compared with the isostructural LaMn3Cr4O12 with negligible A′-B intersite spin coupling, the substitution of Mn4+, which has identical electronic configuration to that of Cr3+ (t2g3), into the B site can introduce A′-B intersite spin interactions. As a result, the A′-site spin-related ordering temperature increases significantly, while the B-site one remains little changed in the current PbMn3Cr3MnO12. This work opens up a way to enhance the A′-site spin ordering temperature in quadruple perovskite oxides. © 2021 Author(s).