Summary of Ilse Seibold’s vita:
Ilse Seibold, née Usbeck, was born May 8, 1925 in Breslau,
Silesia, and went to school in Halle/Saale during WW2. She
started her studies of geology and paleontology at the University of Halle and at the Humboldt University in Berlin,
and later at the University of Tübingen, where she received
her doctorate as micropaleontologist in 1951 with Otto
Schindewolf as her supervisor. She remained active as productive scientist over many decades. In 1952, she married
Dr. Eugen Seibold, who in 1958 became professor at Kiel
University, founded one of Europe’s most important institutes for marine geology, and later became president of the
German Science Foundation (DFG), and subsequently of the
European Science Foundation (ESF). Being a scientist herself Ilse Seibold soon evolved to a deeply reflective insider
of geological sciences. She followed her husband during his
scientific career from his appointments in Tübingen, Bonn,
Karlsruhe, Kiel, to Bonn and Strasbourg/Freiburg i.Br. She
accompanied Eugen on his sabbatical leave at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, CA. She participated
in countless international scientific meetings. Together
with Eugen she published many papers that document her
independence and autonomy as scientist. She gained deep
insights into the origins of the geosciences and their historical evolution, up to the ideas of fine arts. We are happy that
she documented in her publications a broad range of her
scientific and distinguished-humane impressions.