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  Association of Apolipoprotein E With Intracerebral Hemorrhage Risk by Race/Ethnicity A Meta-analysis

Marini, S., Crawford, K., Morotti, A., Lee, M. J., Pezzini, A., Moomaw, C. J., Flaherty, M. L., Montaner, J., Roquer, J., Jimenez-Conde, J., Giralt-Steinhauer, E., Elosua, R., Cuadrado-Godia, E., Soriano-Tarraga, C., Slowik, A., Jagiella, J. M., Pera, J., Urbanik, A., Pichler, A., Hansen, B. M., McCauley, J. L., Tirschwell, D. L., Selim, M., Brown, D. L., Silliman, S. L., Worrall, B. B., Meschia, J. F., Kidwell, C. S., Testai, F. D., Kittner, S. J., Schmidt, H., Enzinger, C., Deary, L. J., Rannikmae, K., Samarasekera, N., Salman, R.-A.-S., Sudlow, C. L., Klijn, C. J. M., van Nieuwenhuizen, K. M., Fernandez-Cadenas, I., Delgado, P., Nonving, B., Lindgren, A., Goldstein, J. N., Viswanathan, A., Greenberg, S. M., Falcone, G. J., Biffi, A., Langefeld, C. D., Woo, D., Rosand, J., Anderson, C. D., Smoller, S., Sorkin, J., Wang, X., Selim, M., Pikula, A., Wolf, P., Debette, S., Seshadri, S., de Bakker, P., Chasman, D., Rexrode, K., Chen, I., Rotter, J., Luke, M., Sale, M., Lee, T.-H., Chang, K.-C., Elkind, M., Goldstein, L., James, M. (., Breteler, M., O'Donnell, C., Leys, D., Carty, C., Kidwell, C., Olesen, J., Sharma, P., Rich, S., Tatlisumak, T., Happola, O., Bijlenga, P., Soriano, C., Giralt, E., Roquer, J., Jimenez-Conde, J., Cotlarcius, L., Hardy, J., Korostynski, M., Boncoraglio, G., Ballabio, E., Parati, E., Mateusz, A., Urbanik, A., Dziedzic, T., Jagiella, J., Gasowski, J., Wnuk, M., Olszanecki, R., Pera, J., Slowik, A., Juchniewicz, K. J., Levi, C., Nyquist, P., Cendes, I., Cabral, N., Franca, P., Goncalves, A., Keller, L., Crisby, M., Kostulas, K., Lennnnens, R., Ahmadi, K., Opherk, C., Duering, M., Dichgans, M., Malik, R., Gonik, M., Staals, J., Melander, O., Burri, P., Sadr-Nabavi, A., Romero, J., Biffi, A., Anderson, C., Falcone, G., Brouwers, B., Rosand, J., Rost, N., Du, R., Kourkoulis, C., Battey, T., Lubitz, S., Mueller-Myhsok, B., Meschia, J., Brott, T., Pare, G., Pichler, A., Enzinger, C., Schmidt, H., Schmidt, R., Seiler, S., Blanton, S., Yamada, Y., Bersano, A., Rundek, T., Sacco, R., Chan, Y.-F.-Y., Gschwendtner, A., Deng, Z., Barr, T., Gwinn, K., Corriveau, R., Singleton, A., Waddy, S., Launer, L., Chen, C., Le, K. E., Lee, W. L., Tan, E. K., Olugbodi, A., Rothwell, P., Schilling, S., Mok, V., Lebedeva, E., Jem, C., Jood, K., Olsson, S., Kim, H., Lee, C., Kilarski, L., Markus, H., Peycke, J., Bevan, S., Sheu, W., Chiou, H. Y., Chern, J., Giraldo, E., Taqi, M., Jain, V., Lam, O., Howard, G., Woo, D., Kittner, S., Mitchell, B., Cole, J., O'Connell, J., Milewicz, D., Illoh, K., Worrall, B., Stine, C., Karaszewski, B., Werring, D., Sofat, R., Smalley, J., Lindgren, A., Hansen, B., Norrving, B., Smith, G., Martin, J. J., Thijs, V., Klijn, K., van't Hof, F., Algra, A., Macleod, M., Perry, R., Arnett, D., Pezzini, A., Padovani, A., Cramer, S., Fisher, M., Saleheen, D., Broderick, J., Kissela, B., Doney, A., Sudlow, C., Rannikmae, K., Silliman, S., McDonough, C., Walters, M., Pedersen, A., Nakagawa, K., Chang, C., Dobbins, M., McArdle, P., Chang, Y.-C., Brown, R., Brown, D., Holliday, E., Kalaria, R., Maguire, J., Hunter, J., Attia, J., Farrall, M., Giese, A.-K., Fomage, M., Majersik, J., Cushman, M., Keene, K., Bennett, S., Tirschwell, D., Psaty, B., Reiner, A., Longstreth, W., Spence, D., Montaner, J., Fernandez-Cadenas, I., Langefeld, C., Bushnell, C., Heitsch, L., Lee, J.-M., & Sheth, K. (2019). Association of Apolipoprotein E With Intracerebral Hemorrhage Risk by Race/Ethnicity A Meta-analysis. JAMA NEUROLOGY, 76(4), 480-491. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.4519.

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アイテムのパーマリンク: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0009-5CE5-E 版のパーマリンク: https://hdl.handle.net/21.11116/0000-0009-5CE6-D
資料種別: 学術論文


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Marini, Sandro, 著者
Crawford, Katherine, 著者
Morotti, Andrea, 著者
Lee, Myung J., 著者
Pezzini, Alessandro, 著者
Moomaw, Charles J., 著者
Flaherty, Matthew L., 著者
Montaner, Joan, 著者
Roquer, Jaume, 著者
Jimenez-Conde, Jordi, 著者
Giralt-Steinhauer, Eva, 著者
Elosua, Roberto, 著者
Cuadrado-Godia, Elisa, 著者
Soriano-Tarraga, Carolina, 著者
Slowik, Agnieszka, 著者
Jagiella, Jeremiasz M., 著者
Pera, Joanna, 著者
Urbanik, Andrzej, 著者
Pichler, Alexander, 著者
Hansen, Bjorn M., 著者
McCauley, Jacob L., 著者Tirschwell, David L., 著者Selim, Magdy, 著者Brown, Devin L., 著者Silliman, Scott L., 著者Worrall, Bradford B., 著者Meschia, James F., 著者Kidwell, Chelsea S., 著者Testai, Fernando D., 著者Kittner, Steven J., 著者Schmidt, Helena, 著者Enzinger, Christian, 著者Deary, Lan J., 著者Rannikmae, Kristiina, 著者Samarasekera, Neshika, 著者Salman, Rustam Al-Shahi, 著者Sudlow, Catherine L., 著者Klijn, Catharina J. M., 著者van Nieuwenhuizen, Koen M., 著者Fernandez-Cadenas, Israel, 著者Delgado, Pilar, 著者Nonving, Bo, 著者Lindgren, Ame, 著者Goldstein, Joshua N., 著者Viswanathan, Anand, 著者Greenberg, Steven M., 著者Falcone, Guido J., 著者Biffi, Alessandro, 著者Langefeld, Carl D., 著者Woo, Daniel, 著者Rosand, Jonathan, 著者Anderson, Christopher D., 著者Smoller, Sylvia, 著者Sorkin, John, 著者Wang, Xingwu, 著者Selim, Magdy, 著者Pikula, Aleksandra, 著者Wolf, Philip, 著者Debette, Stephanie, 著者Seshadri, Sudha, 著者de Bakker, Paul, 著者Chasman, Daniel, 著者Rexrode, Kathryn, 著者Chen, Ida, 著者Rotter, Jerome, 著者Luke, May, 著者Sale, Michelle, 著者Lee, Tsong-Hai, 著者Chang, Ku-Chou, 著者Elkind, Mitchell, 著者Goldstein, Larry, 著者James, Michael (Luke), 著者Breteler, Monique, 著者O'Donnell, Chris, 著者Leys, Didier, 著者Carty, Cara, 著者Kidwell, Chelsea, 著者Olesen, Jes, 著者Sharma, Pankaj, 著者Rich, Stephen, 著者Tatlisumak, Turgot, 著者Happola, Olli, 著者Bijlenga, Philippe, 著者Soriano, Carolina, 著者Giralt, Eva, 著者Roquer, Jaume, 著者Jimenez-Conde, Jordi, 著者Cotlarcius, Loana, 著者Hardy, John, 著者Korostynski, Michal, 著者Boncoraglio, Giorgio, 著者Ballabio, Elena, 著者Parati, Eugenio, 著者Mateusz, Adamski, 著者Urbanik, Andrzej, 著者Dziedzic, Tomasz, 著者Jagiella, Jeremiasz, 著者Gasowski, Jerzy, 著者Wnuk, Marcin, 著者Olszanecki, Rafaf, 著者Pera, Joanna, 著者Slowik, Agnieszka, 著者Juchniewicz, Karol Jozef, 著者Levi, Christopher, 著者Nyquist, Paul, 著者Cendes, Iscia, 著者Cabral, Norberto, 著者Franca, Paulo, 著者Goncalves, Anderson, 著者Keller, Lina, 著者Crisby, Milita, 著者Kostulas, Konstantinos, 著者Lennnnens, Robin, 著者Ahmadi, Kourosh, 著者Opherk, Christian, 著者Duering, Marco, 著者Dichgans, Martin, 著者Malik, Rainer, 著者Gonik, Mariya, 著者Staals, Julie, 著者Melander, Olle, 著者Burri, Philippe, 著者Sadr-Nabavi, Ariane, 著者Romero, Javier, 著者Biffi, Alessandro, 著者Anderson, Chris, 著者Falcone, Guido, 著者Brouwers, Bart, 著者Rosand, Jonathan, 著者Rost, Natalia, 著者Du, Rose, 著者Kourkoulis, Christina, 著者Battey, Thomas, 著者Lubitz, Steven, 著者Mueller-Myhsok, Bertram1, 著者           Meschia, James, 著者Brott, Thomas, 著者Pare, Guillaume, 著者Pichler, Alexander, 著者Enzinger, Christian, 著者Schmidt, Helena, 著者Schmidt, Reinhold, 著者Seiler, Stephan, 著者Blanton, Susan, 著者Yamada, Yoshiji, 著者Bersano, Anna, 著者Rundek, Tatiana, 著者Sacco, Ralph, 著者Chan, Yu-Feng Yvonne, 著者Gschwendtner, Andreas, 著者Deng, Zhen, 著者Barr, Taura, 著者Gwinn, Katrina, 著者Corriveau, Roderick, 著者Singleton, Andrew, 著者Waddy, Salina, 著者Launer, Lenore, 著者Chen, Christopher, 著者Le, Kim En, 著者Lee, Wei Ling, 著者Tan, Eng King, 著者Olugbodi, Akintomi, 著者Rothwell, Peter, 著者Schilling, Sabrina, 著者Mok, Vincent, 著者Lebedeva, Elena, 著者Jem, Christina, 著者Jood, Katarina, 著者Olsson, Sandra, 著者Kim, Helen, 著者Lee, Chaeyoung, 著者Kilarski, Laura, 著者Markus, Hugh, 著者Peycke, Jennifer, 著者Bevan, Steve, 著者Sheu, Wayne, 著者Chiou, Hung Yi, 著者Chern, Joseph, 著者Giraldo, Elias, 著者Taqi, Muhammad, 著者Jain, Vivek, 著者Lam, Olivia, 著者Howard, George, 著者Woo, Daniel, 著者Kittner, Steven, 著者Mitchell, Braxton, 著者Cole, John, 著者O'Connell, Jeff, 著者Milewicz, Dianna, 著者Illoh, Kachikwu, 著者Worrall, Bradford, 著者Stine, Colin, 著者Karaszewski, Bartosz, 著者Werring, David, 著者Sofat, Reecha, 著者Smalley, June, 著者Lindgren, Arne, 著者Hansen, Bjorn, 著者Norrving, Bo, 著者Smith, Gustav, 著者Martin, Juan Jose, 著者Thijs, Vincent, 著者Klijn, Karin, 著者van't Hof, Femke, 著者Algra, Ale, 著者Macleod, Mary, 著者Perry, Rodney, 著者Arnett, Donna, 著者Pezzini, Alessandro, 著者Padovani, Alessandro, 著者Cramer, Steve, 著者Fisher, Marl, 著者Saleheen, Danish, 著者Broderick, Joseph, 著者Kissela, Brett, 著者Doney, Alex, 著者Sudlow, Cathie, 著者Rannikmae, Kristiina, 著者Silliman, Scott, 著者McDonough, Caitrin, 著者Walters, Matthew, 著者Pedersen, Annie, 著者Nakagawa, Kazuma, 著者Chang, Christy, 著者Dobbins, Mark, 著者McArdle, Patrick, 著者Chang, Yu-Ching, 著者Brown, Robert, 著者Brown, Devin, 著者Holliday, Elizabeth, 著者Kalaria, Raj, 著者Maguire, Jane, 著者Hunter, John, 著者Attia, John, 著者Farrall, Martin, 著者Giese, Anne-Katrin, 著者Fomage, Myriam, 著者Majersik, Jennifer, 著者Cushman, Maly, 著者Keene, Keith, 著者Bennett, Siiri, 著者Tirschwell, David, 著者Psaty, Bruce, 著者Reiner, Alex, 著者Longstreth, Will, 著者Spence, David, 著者Montaner, Joan, 著者Fernandez-Cadenas, Israel, 著者Langefeld, Carl, 著者Bushnell, Cheryl, 著者Heitsch, Laura, 著者Lee, Jin-Moo, 著者Sheth, Kevin, 著者 全て表示
1RG Statistical Genetics, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Max Planck Society, ou_2040288              


キーワード: -
 要旨: IMPORTANCE Genetic studies of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) have focused mainly on white participants, but genetic risk may vary or could be concealed by differing nongenetic coexposures in nonwhite populations. Transethnic analysis of risk may clarify the role of genetics in ICH risk across populations.
OBJECTIVE To evaluate associations between established differences in ICH risk by race/ethnicity and the variability in the risks of apolipoprotein E (APOE) epsilon 4 alleles, the most potent genetic risk factor for ICH.
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This case-control study of primary ICH meta-analyzed the association of APOE allele status on ICH risk, applying a 2-stage clustering approach based on race/ethnicity and stratified by a contributing study. A propensity score analysis was used to model the association of APOE with the burden of hypertension across race/ethnic groups. Primary ICH cases and controls were collected from 3 hospital- and population-based studies in the United States and 8 in European sites in the International Stroke Genetic Consortium. Participants were enrolled from January 1, 1999, to December 31, 2017. Participants with secondary causes of ICH were excluded from enrollment. Controls were regionally matched within each participating study.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Clinical variables were systematically obtained from structured interviews within each site. APOE genotype was centrally determined for all studies.
RESULTS In total, 13 124 participants (7153 [54.5%] male with a median [interquartile range] age of 66 [56-76] years) were included. In white participants, APOE epsilon 2 (odds ratio [OR], 1.49; 95% CI, 1.24-1.80; P < .001) and APOE epsilon 4 (OR, 1.51; 95% CI, 1.23-1.85; P < .001) were associated with lobar ICH risk; however, within self-identified Hispanic and black participants, no associations were found. After propensity score matching for hypertension burden, APOE epsilon 4 was associated with lobar ICH risk among Hispanic (OR, 1.14; 95% CI, 1.03-1.28; P = .01) but not in black (OR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.98-1.07; P = .25) participants. APOE epsilon 2 and epsilon 4 did not show an association with nonlobar ICH risk in any race/ethnicity.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE APOE epsilon 4 and epsilon 2 alleles appear to affect lobar ICH risk variably by race/ethnicity, associations that are confirmed in white individuals but can be shown in Hispanic individuals only when the excess burden of hypertension is propensity score-matched; further studies are needed to explore the interactions between APOE alleles and environmental exposures that vary by race/ethnicity in representative populations at risk for ICH.


 日付: 2019
 出版の状態: 出版
 ページ: -
 出版情報: -
 目次: -
 査読: -
 識別子(DOI, ISBNなど): ISI: 000463873600017
DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.4519
 学位: -





Project information


出版物 1

種別: 学術雑誌
出版社, 出版地: -
ページ: - 巻号: 76 (4) 通巻号: - 開始・終了ページ: 480 - 491 識別子(ISBN, ISSN, DOIなど): ISSN: 2168-6149