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  Genome-wide by environment interaction studies of depressive symptoms and psychosocial stress in UK Biobank and Generation Scotland

Arnau-Soler, A., Macdonald-Dunlop, E., Adams, M. J., Clarke, T.-K., MacIntyre, D. J., Milburn, K., et al. (2019). Genome-wide by environment interaction studies of depressive symptoms and psychosocial stress in UK Biobank and Generation Scotland. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY, 9: 14. doi:10.1038/s41398-018-0360-y.

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Arnau-Soler, Aleix, Author
Macdonald-Dunlop, Erin, Author
Adams, Mark J., Author
Clarke, Toni-Kim, Author
MacIntyre, Donald J., Author
Milburn, Keith, Author
Navrady, Lauren, Author
Hayward, Caroline, Author
McIntosh, Andrew M., Author
Thomson, Pippa A., Author
Wray, Naomi R., Author
Ripke, Stephan, Author
Mattheisen, Manuel, Author
Trzaskowski, Maciej, Author
Byrne, Enda M., Author
Abdellaoui, Abdel, Author
Agerbo, Esben, Author
Air, Tracy M., Author
Andlauer, Till F. M.1, Author           
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Baekvad-Hansen, Marie, AuthorBeekman, Aartjan T. F., AuthorBigdeli, Tim B., AuthorBinder, Elisabeth B.1, Author           Blackwood, Douglas H. R., AuthorBryois, Julien, AuthorButtenscon, Henriette N., AuthorBybjerg-Grauholm, Jonas, AuthorCai, Na, AuthorCastelao, Enrique, AuthorChristensen, Jane Hvarregaard, AuthorColeman I, Jonathan R., AuthorColodro-Conde, Luca, AuthorCouvy-Duchesne, Baptiste, AuthorCraddock, Nick, AuthorRawford, Gregory E. C., AuthorDavies, Gail, AuthorDeary, Ian J., AuthorDegenhardt, Franziska, AuthorDerks, Eske M., AuthorDirek, Nese, AuthorDolan V, Conor, AuthorDunn, Erin C., AuthorEley, Thalia C., AuthorEscott-Price, Valentina, AuthorKiadeh, Farnush Farhadi Hassan, AuthorFinucane, Hilary K., AuthorFoo, Jerome C., AuthorForstner, Andreas J., AuthorFrank, Josef, AuthorGaspar, Helena A., AuthorGill, Michael, AuthorGoes, Fernando S., AuthorGordon, Scott D., AuthorGrove, Jakob, AuthorHall, Lynsey S., AuthorHansen, Christine Soholm, AuthorHansen, Thomas F., AuthorHerms, Stefan, AuthorHickie, Ian B., AuthorHoffmann, Per, AuthorHomuth, Georg, AuthorHorn, Carsten, AuthorHottenga, Jouke-Jan, AuthorHougaard, David M., AuthorIsing, Marcus2, Author           Jansen, Rick, AuthorJones, Ian, AuthorJones, Lisa A., AuthorJorgenson, Eric, AuthorKnowles, James A., AuthorKohane, Isaac S., AuthorKraft, Julia, AuthorKretzschmar, Warren W., AuthorKrogh, Jesper, AuthorKutalik, Zoltan, AuthorLi, Yihan, AuthorLind, Penelope A., AuthorMacintyre, Donald J., AuthorMacKinnon, Dean F., AuthorMaier, Robert M., AuthorMaier, Wolfgang, AuthorMarchini, Jonathan, AuthorMbarek, Hamdi, AuthorMcGrath, Patrick, AuthorMcGuffin, Peter, AuthorMedland, Sarah E., AuthorMehta, Divya, AuthorMiddeldorp, Christel M., AuthorMihailov, Evelin, AuthorMilaneschi, Yuri, AuthorMilani, Lili, AuthorMondimore, Francis M., AuthorMontgomery, Grant W., AuthorMostafavi, Sara, AuthorMullins, Niamh, AuthorNauck, Matthias, AuthorNg, Bernard, AuthorNivard, Michel G., AuthorNyholt, Dale R., AuthorO'Reilly, Paul F., AuthorOskarsson, Hogni, AuthorOwen, Michael J., AuthorPainter, Jodie N., AuthorPedersen, Carsten Bocker, AuthorPedersen, Marianne Giortz, AuthorPeterson, Roseann E., AuthorPettersson, Erik, AuthorPeyrot, Wouter J., AuthorPistis, Giorgio, AuthorPosthuma, Danielle, AuthorQuiroz, Jorge A., AuthorQvist, Per, AuthorRice, John P., AuthorRiley, Brien P., AuthorRivera, Margarita, AuthorMirza, Saira Saeed, AuthorSchoevers, Robert, AuthorSchulte, Eva C., AuthorShen, Ling, AuthorShi, Jianxin, AuthorShyn I, Stanley, AuthorSigurdsson, Engilbert, AuthorSinnamon, Grant C. B., AuthorSmit, Johannes H., AuthorSmith, Daniel J., AuthorStefansson, Hreinn, AuthorSteinberg, Stacy, AuthorStreit, Fabian, AuthorStrohmaier, Jana, AuthorTansey, Katherine E., AuthorTeismann, Henning, AuthorTeumer, Alexander, AuthorThompson, Wesley, AuthorThorgeirsson, Thorgeir E., AuthorTraylor, Matthew, AuthorTreutlein, Jens, AuthorTrubetskoy, Vassily, AuthorUitterlinden, Andre G., AuthorUmbricht, Daniel, AuthorVan der Auwera, Sandra, Authorvan Hemert, Albert M., AuthorViktorin, Alexander, AuthorVisscher, Peter M., AuthorWang, Yunpeng, AuthorWebb, Bradley T., AuthorWeinsheimer, Shantel Marie, AuthorWellmann, Juergen, AuthorWillemsen, Gonneke, AuthorWitt, Stephanie H., AuthorWu, Yang, AuthorXi, Hualin S., AuthorYang, Jian, AuthorZhang, Futao, AuthorArolt, Volker, AuthorBaune, Bernhard T., AuthorBerger, Klaus, AuthorBoomsma I, Dorret, AuthorCichon, Sven, AuthorDannlowski, Udo, Authorde Geus, E. J. C., AuthorDePaulo, J. Raymond, AuthorDomenici, Enrico, AuthorDomschke, Katharina, AuthorEsko, Tonu, AuthorGrabe, Hans J., AuthorHamilton, Steven P., AuthorHeath, Andrew C., AuthorKendler, Kenneth S., AuthorKloiber, Stefan2, Author           Lewis, Glyn, AuthorLi, Qingqin S., AuthorLucae, Susanne2, Author           Madden, Pamela A. F., AuthorMagnusson, Patrik K., AuthorMartin, Nicholas G., AuthorMetspalu, Andres, AuthorMors, Ole, AuthorMortensen, Preben Bo, AuthorMueller-Myhsok, Bertram3, Author           Nordentoft, Merete, AuthorNoethen, Markus M., AuthorO'Donovan, Michael C., AuthorPaciga, Sara A., AuthorPedersen, Nancy L., AuthorPenninx, Brenda W. J. H., AuthorPerlis, Roy H., AuthorPorteous, David J., AuthorPotash, James B., AuthorPreisig, Martin, AuthorRietschel, Marcella, AuthorSchaefer, Catherine, AuthorSchulze, Thomas G., AuthorSmoller, Jordan W., AuthorStefansson, Kari, AuthorTiemeier, Henning, AuthorUher, Rudolf, AuthorVoelzke, Henry, AuthorWeissman, Myrna M., AuthorWerge, Thomas, AuthorLewis, Cathryn M., AuthorLevinson, Douglas F., AuthorBreen, Gerome, AuthorBorglum, Ander S. D., AuthorSullivan, Patrick F., Author more..
1Dept. Translational Research in Psychiatry, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Max Planck Society, ou_2035295              
2Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Max Planck Society, ou_1607137              
3RG Statistical Genetics, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Max Planck Society, ou_2040288              


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 Abstract: Stress is associated with poorer physical and mental health. To improve our understanding of this link, we performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of depressive symptoms and genome-wide by environment interaction studies (GWEIS) of depressive symptoms and stressful life events (SLE) in two UK population-based cohorts (Generation Scotland and UK Biobank). No SNP was individually significant in either GWAS, but gene-based tests identified six genes associated with depressive symptoms in UK Biobank (DCC, ACSS3, DRD2, STAG1, FOXP2 and KYNU; p < 2.77 x 10(-6)). Two SNPs with genome-wide significant GxE effects were identified by GWEIS in Generation Scotland: rs12789145 (53-kb downstream PIWIL4; p = 4.95 x 10(-9); total SLE) and rs17070072 (intronic to ZCCHC2; p = 1.46 x 10(-8); dependent SLE). A third locus upstream CYLC2 (rs12000047 and rs12005200, p < 2.00 x 10(-8); dependent SLE) when the joint effect of the SNP main and GxE effects was considered. GWEIS gene-based tests identified: MTNR1B with GxE effect with dependent SLE in Generation Scotland; and PHF2 with the joint effect in UK Biobank (p < 2.77 x 10(-6)). Polygenic risk scores (PRSs) analyses incorporating GxE effects improved the prediction of depressive symptom scores, when using weights derived from either the UK Biobank GWAS of depressive symptoms (p = 0.01) or the PGC GWAS of major depressive disorder (p = 5.91 x 10(-3)). Using an independent sample, PRS derived using GWEIS GxE effects provided evidence of shared aetiologies between depressive symptoms and schizotypal personality, heart disease and COPD. Further such studies are required and may result in improved treatments for depression and other stress-related conditions.


 Dates: 2019
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: ISI: 000459834200001
DOI: 10.1038/s41398-018-0360-y
 Degree: -



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Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 9 Sequence Number: 14 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 2158-3188