Superconductivity and magnetism
Dy2Fe14Si3 (hexagonal crystal structure of the Th2Ni17 type) is a highly-anisotropic ferrimagnet with spontaneous magnetic moment M-s = 8 mu(B) per formula unit (at 2 K), directed along the Fe sublattice, and Curie temperature T-c = 500 K. The magnetic anisotropy is of the easy-plane type with the [100] axis as an easy magnetization direction. Large anisotropy is observed also within the basal plane. In fields applied along the [100] and [120] axes, field-induced phase transitions were observed at 33 T (of the first order) and at 41 T (of the second order), respectively (at 2 K). Relative changes of sound velocity and changes of sound attenuation at these phase transitions in a Dy2Fe14Si3 single crystal were measured in pulsed magnetic fields up to 58 Tat 2 K and elevated temperatures. The performed theoretical analysis suggests that the interaction of the elastic subsystem with the magnetic one is of the exchange-striction nature. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.