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  The GRAVITY young stellar object survey - VI. Mapping the variable inner disk of HD 163296 at sub-au scales

Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Garatti, A. C. o., Lopez, R. G., Perraut, K., Labadie, L., Benisty, M., et al. (2021). The GRAVITY young stellar object survey - VI. Mapping the variable inner disk of HD 163296 at sub-au scales. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 654: A97. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202039600.

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The GRAVITY young stellar object survey - VI. Mapping the variable inner disk of HD 163296 at sub-au scales.pdf
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Sanchez-Bermudez, J., Author
Garatti, A. Caratti o, Author
Lopez, R. Garcia, Author
Perraut, K., Author
Labadie, L., Author
Benisty, M., Author
Brandner, W., Author
Dougados, C., Author
Garcia, P. J. V., Author
Henning, Th., Author
Klarmann, L., Author
Amorim, A., Author
Bauböck, M.1, Author           
Berger, J. P., Author
Le Bouquin, J. B., Author
Caselli, P.2, Author           
Clénet, Y., Author
du Foresto, V. Coudé, Author
de Zeeuw, P. T.1, Author           
Drescher, A.1, Author           
Duvert, G., AuthorEckart, A., AuthorEisenhauer, F.1, Author           Filho, M., AuthorGao, F.1, Author           Gendron, E., AuthorGenzel, R.1, Author           Gillessen, S.1, Author           Grellmann, R., AuthorHeissel, G., AuthorHorrobin, M., AuthorHubert, Z., AuthorJiménez-Rosales, A.1, Author           Jocou, L., AuthorKervella, P., AuthorLacour, S., AuthorLapeyrère, V., AuthorLéna, P., AuthorOtt, T.1, Author           Paumard, T., AuthorPerrin, G., AuthorPineda, J. E.2, Author           Rodríguez-Coira, G., AuthorRousset, G., AuthorSegura-Cox, D. M.2, Author           Shangguan, J.1, Author           Shimizu, T.1, Author           Stadler, J.1, Author           Straub, O.1, Author           Straubmeier, C., AuthorSturm, E.1, Author           Van Dishoeck, E.1, Author           Vincent, F., AuthorFellenberg, S. D. von1, Author           Widmann, F.1, Author           Woillez, J., Author more..
1Infrared and Submillimeter Astronomy, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_159889              
2Center for Astrochemical Studies at MPE, MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1950287              


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 Abstract: Context. Protoplanetary disks drive some of the formation process (e.g., accretion, gas dissipation, formation of structures) of stars and planets. Understanding such physical processes is one of the most significant astrophysical questions. HD 163296 is an interesting young stellar object for which infrared and sub-millimeter observations have shown a prominent circumstellar disk with gaps plausibly created by forming planets.
Aims. This study aims to characterize the morphology of the inner disk in HD 163296 with multi-epoch, near-infrared interferometric observations performed with GRAVITY at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer. Our goal is to depict the K-band (λ0 ~ 2.2 μm) structure of the inner rim with milliarcsecond (sub-au) angular resolution. Our data is complemented with archival Precision Integrated-Optics Near-infrared Imaging ExpeRiment (H-band; λ0 ~ 1.65 μm) data of the source.
Methods. We performed a gradient descent parametric model fitting to recover the sub-au morphology of our source.
Results. Our analysis shows the existence of an asymmetry in the disk surrounding the central star of HD 163296. We confirm variability of the disk structure in the inner ~2 mas (0.2 au). While variability of the inner disk structure in this source has been suggested by previous interferometric studies, this is the first time that it is confirmed in the H- and K-bands by using a complete analysis of the closure phases and squared visibilities over several epochs. Because of the separation from the star, position changes, and the persistence of this asymmetric structure on timescales of several years, we argue that it is probably a dusty feature (e.g., a vortex or dust clouds) made by a mixing of silicate and carbon dust and/or refractory grains, inhomogeneously distributed above the mid-plane of the disk.


Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2021-10-18
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039600
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Astronomy and Astrophysics
  Other : Astron. Astrophys.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: France : EDP Sciences S A
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 654 Sequence Number: A97 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 1432-0746
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954922828219_1