Charge density; Charge density waves; Magnetic fields; Tellurium compounds; Zirconium compounds, Exposed to; Longitudinal acoustic phonons; Metallics; Quantitative level; Quantizing magnetic field; Quantum oscillations; Renormalization; Self energy; Sound attenuation; Ultrasound measurement, Electron-phonon interactions
The compound ZrTe5 has recently been connected to a charge-density-wave (CDW) state with intriguing transport properties. Here, we investigate quantum oscillations in ultrasound measurements that microscopically originate from electron-phonon coupling and analyze how these would be affected by the presence or absence of a CDW. We calculate the phonon self-energy due to electron-phonon coupling, and from there deduce the sound-velocity renormalization and sound attenuation. We find that the theoretical predictions for a metallic Dirac model resemble the experimental data on a quantitative level for magnetic fields up to the quantum-limit regime. © 2021 American Physical Society