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  Discovery of a New Gamma-Ray Source, LHAASO J0341+5258, withmission up to 200 TeV

Cao, Z., Aharonian, F., An, Q., Axikegu, Bai, L. X., Bai, Y. X., et al. (2021). Discovery of a New Gamma-Ray Source, LHAASO J0341+5258, withmission up to 200 TeV. Astrophysical Journal, Letters, 917(1): L4. doi:10.3847/2041-8213/ac0fd5.

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Cao, Zhen, Author
Aharonian, F.1, Author           
An, Q., Author
Axikegu, Author
Bai, L. X., Author
Bai, Y. X., Author
Bao, Y. W., Author
Bastieri, D., Author
Bi, X. J., Author
Bi, Y. J., Author
Cai, H., Author
Cai, J. T., Author
Cao, Zhe, Author
Chang, J., Author
Chang, J. F., Author
Chen, B. M., Author
Chen, E. S., Author
Chen, J., Author
Chen, Liang, Author
Chen, Liang, Author
Chen, Long, AuthorChen, M. J., AuthorChen, M. L., AuthorChen, Q. H., AuthorChen, S. H., AuthorChen, S. Z., AuthorChen, T. L., AuthorChen, X. L., AuthorChen, Y., AuthorCheng, N., AuthorCheng, Y. D., AuthorCui, S. W., AuthorCui, X. H., AuthorCui, Y. D., AuthorPiazzoli, B. D'Ettorre, AuthorDai, B. Z., AuthorDai, H. L., AuthorDai, Z. G., AuthorDanzengluobu, AuthorVolpe, D. della, AuthorDong, X. J., AuthorDuan, K. K., AuthorFan, J. H., AuthorFan, Y. Z., AuthorFan, Z. X., AuthorFang, J., AuthorFang, K., AuthorFeng, C. F., AuthorFeng, L., AuthorFeng, S. H., AuthorFeng, Y. L., AuthorGao, B., AuthorGao, C. D., AuthorGao, L. Q., AuthorGao, Q., AuthorGao, W., AuthorGe, M. M., AuthorGeng, L. S., AuthorGong, G. H., AuthorGou, Q. B., AuthorGu, M. H., AuthorGuo, F. L., AuthorGuo, J. G., AuthorGuo, X. L., AuthorGuo, Y. Q., AuthorGuo, Y. Y., AuthorHan, Y. A., AuthorHe, H. H., AuthorHe, H. N., AuthorHe, J. C., AuthorHe, S. L., AuthorHe, X. B., AuthorHe, Y., AuthorHeller, M., AuthorHor, Y. K., AuthorHou, C., AuthorHu, H. B., AuthorHu, S., AuthorHu, S. C., AuthorHu, X. J., AuthorHuang, D. H., AuthorHuang, Q. L., AuthorHuang, W. H., AuthorHuang, X. T., AuthorHuang, X. Y., AuthorHuang, Z. C., AuthorJi, F., AuthorJi, X. L., AuthorJia, H. Y., AuthorJiang, K., AuthorJiang, Z. J., AuthorJin, C., AuthorKe, T., AuthorKuleshov, D., AuthorLevochkin, K., AuthorLi, B. B., AuthorLi, Cheng, AuthorLi, Cong, AuthorLi, F., AuthorLi, H. B., AuthorLi, H. C., AuthorLi, H. Y., AuthorLi, J., AuthorLi, K., AuthorLi, W. L., AuthorLi, X. R., AuthorLi, Xin, AuthorLi, Xin, AuthorLi, Y., AuthorLi, Y. Z., AuthorLi, Zhe, AuthorLi, Zhuo, AuthorLiang, E. W., AuthorLiang, Y. F., AuthorLin, S. J., AuthorLiu, B., AuthorLiu, C., AuthorLiu, D., AuthorLiu, H., AuthorLiu, H. D., AuthorLiu, J., AuthorLiu, J. L., AuthorLiu, J. S., AuthorLiu, J. Y., AuthorLiu, M. Y., AuthorLiu, R. Y., AuthorLiu, S. M., AuthorLiu, W., AuthorLiu, Y., AuthorLiu, Y. N., AuthorLiu, Z. X., AuthorLong, W. J., AuthorLu, R., AuthorLv, H. K., AuthorMa, B. Q., AuthorMa, L. L., AuthorMa, X. H., AuthorMao, J. R., AuthorMasood, A., AuthorMin, Z., AuthorMitthumsiri, W., AuthorMontaruli, T., AuthorNan, Y. C., AuthorPang, B. Y., AuthorPattarakijwanich, P., AuthorPei, Z. Y., AuthorQi, M. Y., AuthorQi, Y. Q., AuthorQiao, B. Q., AuthorQin, J. J., AuthorRuffolo, D., AuthorRulev, V., AuthorSáiz, A., AuthorShao, L., AuthorShchegolev, O., AuthorSheng, X. D., AuthorShi, J. Y., AuthorSong, H. C., AuthorStenkin, Yu. V., AuthorStepanov, V., AuthorSu, Y., AuthorSun, Q. N., AuthorSun, X. N., AuthorSun, Z. B., AuthorTam, P. H. T., AuthorTang, Z. B., AuthorTian, W. W., AuthorWang, B. D., AuthorWang, C., AuthorWang, H., AuthorWang, H. G., AuthorWang, J. C., AuthorWang, J. S., AuthorWang, L. P., AuthorWang, L. Y., AuthorWang, R. N., AuthorWang, W., AuthorWang, W., AuthorWang, X. G., AuthorWang, X. J., AuthorWang, X. Y., AuthorWang, Y., AuthorWang, Y. D., AuthorWang, Y. J., AuthorWang, Y. P., AuthorWang, Z. H., AuthorWang, Z. X., AuthorWang, Zhen, AuthorWang, Zheng, AuthorWei, D. M., AuthorWei, J. J., AuthorWei, Y. J., AuthorWen, T., AuthorWu, C. Y., AuthorWu, H. R., AuthorWu, S., AuthorWu, W. X., AuthorWu, X. F., AuthorXi, S. Q., AuthorXia, J., AuthorXia, J. J., AuthorXiang, G. M., AuthorXiao, D. X., AuthorXiao, G., AuthorXiao, H. B., AuthorXin, G. G., AuthorXin, Y. L., AuthorXing, Y., AuthorXu, D. L., AuthorXu, R. X., AuthorXue, L., AuthorYan, D. H., AuthorYan, J. Z., AuthorYang, C. W., AuthorYang, F. F., AuthorYang, J. Y., AuthorYang, L. L., AuthorYang, M. J., AuthorYang, R. Z., AuthorYang, S. B., AuthorYao, Y. H., AuthorYao, Z. G., AuthorYe, Y. M., AuthorYin, L. Q., AuthorYin, N., AuthorYou, X. H., AuthorYou, Z. Y., AuthorYu, Y. H., AuthorYuan, Q., AuthorZeng, H. D., AuthorZeng, T. X., AuthorZeng, W., AuthorZeng, Z. K., AuthorZha, M., AuthorZhai, X. X., AuthorZhang, B. B., AuthorZhang, H. M., AuthorZhang, H. Y., AuthorZhang, J. L., AuthorZhang, J. W., AuthorZhang, L. X., AuthorZhang, Li, AuthorZhang, Lu, AuthorZhang, P. F., AuthorZhang, P. P., AuthorZhang, R., AuthorZhang, S. R., AuthorZhang, S. S., AuthorZhang, X., AuthorZhang, X. P., AuthorZhang, Y. F., AuthorZhang, Y. L., AuthorZhang, Yi, AuthorZhang, Yong, AuthorZhao, B., AuthorZhao, J., AuthorZhao, L., AuthorZhao, L. Z., AuthorZhao, S. P., AuthorZheng, F., AuthorZheng, Y., AuthorZhou, B., AuthorZhou, H., AuthorZhou, J. N., AuthorZhou, P., AuthorZhou, R., AuthorZhou, X. X., AuthorZhu, C. G., AuthorZhu, F. R., AuthorZhu, H., AuthorZhu, K. J., AuthorZuo, X., Author more..
1Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2074298              


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 MPINP: Hochenergie-Astrophysik Theorie - Abteilung Hinton
 Abstract: -


 Dates: 2021-08-11
 Publication Status: Published online
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 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: ISI: 000684010500001
DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ac0fd5
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Astrophysical Journal, Letters
  Other : ApJL
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Bristol, UK : Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP)
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 917 (1) Sequence Number: L4 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 0004-637X
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954922828215_1