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  Search for dark matter annihilation in the Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte dwarf irregular galaxy with HESS

Abdallah, H., Adam, R., Aharonian, F., Ait Benkhali, F., Anguner, E. O., Arcaro, C., et al. (2021). Search for dark matter annihilation in the Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte dwarf irregular galaxy with HESS. Physical Review D, 103(10): 102002. doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.103.102002.

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Abdallah, H.1, Author
Adam, R.1, Author
Aharonian, F.2, Author           
Ait Benkhali, F.2, Author           
Anguner, E. O.1, Author
Arcaro, C.1, Author
Armand, C.1, Author
Armstrong, T.1, Author
Ashkar, H.1, Author
Backes, M.1, Author
Baghmanyan, V1, Author
Barbosa Martins, V. 1, Author
Barnacka, A.1, Author
Barnard, M.1, Author
Becherini, Y.1, Author
Berge, D.1, Author
Bernloehr, K.2, Author           
Bi, B.1, Author
Bottcher, M.1, Author
Boisson, C.1, Author
Bolmont, J.1, Authorde Lavergne, M. de Bony1, AuthorBreuhaus, M.1, AuthorBrun, F.1, AuthorBrun, P.1, AuthorBryan, M.1, AuthorBuechele, M.1, AuthorBulik, T.1, AuthorBylund, T.1, AuthorCaroff, S.1, AuthorCarosi, A.1, AuthorCasanova, S.2, Author           Chand, T.1, AuthorChandra, S.1, AuthorChen, A.1, AuthorCotter, G.1, AuthorCurylo, M.1, AuthorMbarubucyeye, J. Damascene1, AuthorDavids, I. D.1, AuthorDavies, J.1, AuthorDeil, C.1, AuthorDevin, J.1, AuthorDeWilt, P.1, AuthorDirson, L.1, AuthorDjannati-Atai, A.1, AuthorDmytriiev, A.1, AuthorDonath, A.1, AuthorDoroshenko, V1, AuthorDuffy, C.1, AuthorDyks, J.1, AuthorEgberts, K.1, AuthorEichhorn, F.1, AuthorEinecke, S.1, AuthorEmery, G.1, AuthorErnenwein, J-P1, AuthorFeijen, K.1, AuthorFegan, S.1, AuthorFiasson, A.1, Authorde Clairfontaine, G. Fichet1, AuthorFontaine, G.1, AuthorFunk, S.1, AuthorFuessling, M.1, AuthorGabici, S.1, AuthorGallant, Y. A.1, AuthorGiavitto, G.1, AuthorGiunti, L.1, AuthorGlawion, D.1, AuthorGlicenstein, J. F.1, AuthorGottschall, D.1, AuthorGrondin, M-H1, AuthorHahn, J.1, AuthorHaupt, M.1, AuthorHermann, G.2, Author           Hinton, J. A.2, Author           Hofmann, W.3, Author           Hoischen, C.1, AuthorHolch, T. L.1, AuthorHoller, M.1, AuthorHorbe, M.1, AuthorHorns, D.1, AuthorHuber, D.1, AuthorJamrozy, M.1, AuthorJankowsky, D.1, AuthorJankowsky, F.1, AuthorJardin-Blicq, A.2, Author           Joshi, V.2, Author           Jung-Richardt, I1, AuthorKasai, E.1, AuthorKastendieck, M. A.1, AuthorKatarzynski, K.1, AuthorKatz, U.1, AuthorKhangulyan, D.1, AuthorKhelifi, B.1, AuthorKlepser, S.1, AuthorKluzniak, W.1, AuthorKomin, Nu1, AuthorKonno, R.1, AuthorKosack, K.1, AuthorKostunin, D.1, AuthorKreter, M.1, AuthorLamanna, G.1, AuthorLemiere, A.1, AuthorLemoine-Goumard, M.1, AuthorLenain, J-P1, AuthorLevy, C.1, AuthorLohse, T.1, AuthorLypova, I1, AuthorMackey, J.1, AuthorMajumdar, J.1, AuthorMalyshev, D.1, AuthorMalyshev, D.1, AuthorMarandon, V.2, Author           Marchegiani, P.1, AuthorMarcowith, A.1, AuthorMares, A.1, AuthorMarti-Devesa, G.1, AuthorMarx, R.1, AuthorMaurin, G.1, AuthorMeintjes, P. J.1, AuthorMeyer, M.1, AuthorModerski, R.1, AuthorMohamed, M.1, AuthorMohrmann, L.1, AuthorMontanari, A.1, AuthorMoore, C.1, AuthorMorris, P.1, AuthorMoulin, E.1, AuthorMuller, J.1, AuthorMurach, T.1, AuthorNakashima, K.1, AuthorNayerhoda, A.1, Authorde Naurois, M.1, AuthorNdiyavala, H.1, AuthorNiederwanger, F.1, AuthorNiemiec, J.1, AuthorOakes, L.1, AuthorO'Brien, P.1, AuthorOdaka, H.1, AuthorOhm, S.1, AuthorOlivera-Nieto, Laura2, Author           Wilhelmi, E. de Ona1, AuthorOstrowski, M.1, AuthorPanter, M.2, Author           Panny, S.1, AuthorParsons, R. D.1, AuthorPeron, G.1, AuthorPeyaud, B.1, AuthorPiel, Q.1, AuthorPita, S.1, AuthorPoireau, V1, AuthorNoel, A. Priyana1, AuthorProkhorov, D. A.1, AuthorProkoph, H.1, AuthorPuhlhofer, G.1, AuthorPunch, M.1, AuthorQuirrenbach, A.1, AuthorRaab, S.1, AuthorRauth, R.1, AuthorReichherzer, P.1, AuthorReimer, A.1, AuthorReimer, O.1, AuthorRemy, Q.1, AuthorRenaud, M.1, AuthorRieger, F.2, Author           Rinchiuso, L.1, AuthorRomoli, C.1, AuthorRowell, G.1, AuthorRudak, B.1, AuthorRuiz-Velasco, E.2, Author           Sahakian, V1, AuthorSailer, S.1, AuthorSanchez, D. A.1, AuthorSantangelo, A.1, AuthorSasaki, M.1, AuthorScalici, M.1, AuthorSchussler, F.1, AuthorSchutte, H. M.1, AuthorSchwanke, U.1, AuthorSchwemmer, S.1, AuthorSeglar-Arroyo, M.1, AuthorSenniappan, M.1, AuthorSeyffert, A. S.1, AuthorShafi, N.1, AuthorShiningayamwe, K.1, AuthorSimoni, R.1, AuthorSinha, A.1, AuthorSol, H.1, AuthorSpecovius, A.1, AuthorSpencer, S.1, AuthorSpir-Jacob, M.1, AuthorStawarz, L.1, AuthorSun, L.1, AuthorSteenkamp, R.1, AuthorStegmann, C.1, AuthorSteinmassl, S.1, AuthorSteppa, C.1, AuthorTakahashi, T.1, AuthorTavernier, T.1, AuthorTaylor, A. M.1, AuthorTerrier, R.1, AuthorTiziani, D.1, AuthorTluczykont, M.1, AuthorTomankova, L.1, AuthorTrichard, C.1, AuthorTsirou, M.1, AuthorTuffs, R.2, Author           Uchiyama, Y.1, Authorvan der Walt, D. J.1, Authorvan Eldik, C.1, Authorvan Rensburg, C.1, Authorvan Soelen, B.1, AuthorVasileiadis, G.1, AuthorVeh, J.1, AuthorVenter, C.1, AuthorVincent, P.1, AuthorVink, J.1, AuthorVoelk, H. J.4, Author           Vuillaume, T.1, AuthorWadiasingh, Z.1, AuthorWagner, S. J.1, AuthorWatson, J.1, AuthorWerner, F.1, AuthorWhite, R.2, Author           Wierzcholska, A.1, AuthorWong, Yu Wun1, AuthorYusafzai, A.1, AuthorZacharias, M.1, AuthorZanin, R.1, AuthorZargaryan, D.1, AuthorZdziarski, A. A.1, AuthorZech, A.1, AuthorZhu, S.1, AuthorZorn, J.1, AuthorZouari, S.1, AuthorZywucka, N.1, Author more..
1external, ou_persistent22              
2Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2074298              
3Prof. Werner Hofmann, Emeriti, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_3188608              
4Prof. Heinrich J. Völk, Emeriti, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_907548              


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 Dates: 2021-05-20
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Title: Physical Review D
  Other : Phys. Rev. D.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Lancaster, Pa. : American Physical Society
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 103 (10) Sequence Number: 102002 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 0556-2821
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/111088197762258