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Searches are presented for new heavy resonances decaying into leptonically decaying weak gauge bosons and Higgs bosons decaying into a bottom quark pair using 139 fb −1 of proton collision data of the ATLAS detector of the LHC at 13 TeVcenter-of-mass energy. Such diboson resonances are predicted by many extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics. The reconstruction of strongly boosted h → bb̄ decays has been optimized based on b-tagging of track jets and analysis of jet substructure. The searches are is performed in a model-independent way, and the results are interpreted in benchmark models predicting spin-0 or spin-1 resonances. No significant excess has been observed, and improved upper limits have been set on the production cross section times branching ratio. The sensitivity for another fermiophobic spin-1 resonance model has been studied for the first time in the ATLAS experiment.