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  Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover

Santangelo, J., Ness, R., Cohan, B., Fitzpatrick, C., Innes, S., Koch, S., et al. (2022). Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover. Science, 375(6586), 1275-1281. doi:10.1126/science.abk0989.

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Genre: Journal Article
Alternative Title : Science (New York, N.Y.)


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Santangelo, J.S.1, Author
Ness, R.W.1, Author
Cohan, B.1, Author
Fitzpatrick, C.R.1, Author
Innes, S.G.1, Author
Koch, S.1, Author
Miles, L.S.1, Author
Munim, S.1, Author
Peres-Neto, P.R.1, Author
Prashad, C.1, Author
Tong, A.T.1, Author
Aguirre, W.E.1, Author
Akinwole, P.O.1, Author
Alberti, M.1, Author
Álvarez, J.1, Author
Anderson, J.T.1, Author
Anderson, J.J.1, Author
Ando, Y.1, Author
Andrew, N.R.1, Author
Angeoletto, F.1, Author
Anstett, D.N.1, AuthorAnstett, J.1, AuthorAoki-Gonçalves, F.1, AuthorArietta, A.Z.A.1, AuthorArroyo, M.T.K.1, AuthorAusten, E.J.1, AuthorBaena-Díaz, F.1, AuthorBarker, C.A.1, AuthorBaylis, H.A.1, AuthorBeliz, J.M.1, AuthorBenitez-Mora, A.1, AuthorBickford, D.1, AuthorBiedebach, G.1, AuthorBlackburn, G.S.1, AuthorBoehm, M.M.A.1, AuthorBonser, S.P.1, AuthorBonte, D.1, AuthorBragger, J.R.1, AuthorBranquinho, C.1, AuthorBrans, K.I.1, AuthorBresciano, J.C.1, AuthorBrom, P.D.1, AuthorBucharova, A.1, AuthorBurt, B.1, AuthorCahill, J.F.1, AuthorCampbell, K.D.1, AuthorCarlen, E.J.1, AuthorCarmona, D.1, AuthorCastellanos, M.C.1, AuthorCentenaro, G.1, AuthorChalen, I.1, AuthorChaves, J.A.1, AuthorChávez-Pesqueira, M.1, AuthorChen, X.-Y.1, AuthorChilton, A.M.1, AuthorChomiak, K.M.1, AuthorCisneros-Heredia, D.F.1, AuthorCisse, I.K.1, AuthorClassen, A.T.1, AuthorComerford, M.S.1, AuthorFradinger, C.C.1, AuthorCorney, H.1, AuthorCrawford, A.J.1, AuthorCrawford, K.M.1, AuthorDahirel, M.1, AuthorDavid, 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1external, ou_persistent22              
2Cytoplasmic and Evolutionary Genetics, Department Bock, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Max Planck Society, ou_1753324              




Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2022-03-172022-03-18
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1126/science.abk0989
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Science
  Abbreviation : Science
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Washington, D.C. : American Association for the Advancement of Science
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 375 (6586) Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 1275 - 1281 Identifier: ISSN: 0036-8075
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/991042748276600_1