Free keywords:
avian, brain evolution, pallium, RNA-Seq, transcriptomics, WGNCA
Over the last two decades, beginning withthe Avian Brain Nomenclature Forum in2000, major revisions have been made to our understanding of the organization andnomenclature of the avian brain. However, there are still unresolved questions on avianpallial organization, particularly whether the cells above the vestigial ventricle representdistinct populations to those below it or similar populations. To test these two hypothe-ses, we profiled the transcriptomes of the major avian pallial subdivisions dorsal and ven-tral to the vestigial ventricle boundary using RNA sequencing and a new zebra finchgenome assembly containing about 22,000annotated, complete genes. We found thatthe transcriptomes of neural populations above and below the ventricle were remarkablysimilar. Each subdivision in dorsal pallium (Wulst) had a corresponding molecular counter-part in the ventral pallium (dorsal ventricularridge). In turn, each corresponding subdivi-sion exhibited shared gene co-expression modules that contained gene sets enriched infunctional specializations, such as anatomical structure development, synaptic transmis-sion, signaling, and neurogenesis. Thesefindings are more in line with the continuumhypothesis of avian brain subdivision organization above and below the vestigial ventriclespace, with the pallium as a whole consisting offour major cell populations (intercalatedpallium, mesopallium, hyper-nidopallium, andarcopallium) instead of seven (hyperpalliumapicale, interstitial hyperpallium apicale, intercalated hyperpallium, hyperpalliumdensocellare, mesopallium, nidopallium, and arcopallium). We suggest adopting a morestreamlined hierarchical naming system thatreflects the robust similarities in geneexpression, neural connectivity motifs, and function. These findings have important impli-cations for our understanding of overall vertebrate brain evolution.