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  Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Fast Radio Bursts Detected by CHIME/FRB During the LIGO--Virgo Observing Run O3a

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, the KAGRA Collaboration, the CHIME/FRB Collaboration, Abbott, R., Abbott, T. D., et al. (in preparation). Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Fast Radio Bursts Detected by CHIME/FRB During the LIGO--Virgo Observing Run O3a.

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The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Author              
the Virgo Collaboration, Author              
the KAGRA Collaboration, Author              
the CHIME/FRB Collaboration, Author              
Abbott, R., Author
Abbott, T. D., Author
Acernese, F., Author
Ackley, K., Author
Adams, C., Author
Adhikari, N., Author
Adhikari, R. X., Author
Adya, V. B., Author
Affeldt, C.1, Author           
Agarwal, D., Author
Agathos, M., Author
Agatsuma, K., Author
Aggarwal, N., Author
Aguiar, O. D., Author
Aiello, L., Author
Ain, A., Author
Ajith, P., AuthorAkutsu, T., AuthorAlbanesi, S., AuthorAllocca, A., AuthorAltin, P. A., AuthorAmato, A., AuthorAnand, C., AuthorAnand, S., AuthorAnanyeva, A., AuthorAnderson, S. B., AuthorAnderson, W. G., AuthorAndo, M., AuthorAndrade, T., AuthorAndres, N., AuthorAndrić, T., AuthorAngelova, S. V., AuthorAnsoldi, S., AuthorAntelis, J. M., AuthorAntier, S., AuthorAppert, S., AuthorArai, Koji, AuthorArai, Koya, AuthorArai, Y., AuthorAraki, S., AuthorAraya, A., AuthorAraya, M. C., AuthorAreeda, J. S., AuthorArène, M., AuthorAritomi, N., AuthorArnaud, N., AuthorAronson, S. M., AuthorArun, K. G., AuthorAsada, H., AuthorAsali, Y., AuthorAshton, G., AuthorAso, Y., AuthorAssiduo, M., AuthorAston, S. M., AuthorAstone, P., AuthorAubin, F., AuthorAustin, C., AuthorBabak, S., AuthorBadaracco, F., AuthorBader, M. K. M., AuthorBadger, C., AuthorBae, S., AuthorBae, Y., AuthorBaer, A. M., AuthorBagnasco, S., AuthorBai, Y., AuthorBaiotti, L., AuthorBaird, J., AuthorBajpai, R., AuthorBall, M., AuthorBallardin, G., AuthorBallmer, S. W., AuthorBalsamo, A., AuthorBaltus, G., AuthorBanagiri, S., AuthorBankar, D., AuthorBarayoga, J. C., AuthorBarbieri, C., AuthorBarish, B. C., AuthorBarker, D., AuthorBarneo, P., AuthorBarone, F., AuthorBarr, B., AuthorBarsotti, L., AuthorBarsuglia, M., AuthorBarta, D., AuthorBartlett, J., AuthorBarton, M. A., AuthorBartos, I., AuthorBassiri, R., AuthorBasti, A., AuthorBawaj, M., AuthorBayley, J. C., AuthorBaylor, A. C., AuthorBazzan, M., AuthorBécsy, B., AuthorBedakihale, V. M., AuthorBejger, M., AuthorBelahcene, I., AuthorBenedetto, V., AuthorBeniwal, D., AuthorBennett, T. F., AuthorBentley, J. D., AuthorBenYaala, M., AuthorBergamin, F.1, Author           Berger, B. K., AuthorBernuzzi, S., AuthorBerry, C. P. 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1Laser Interferometry & Gravitational Wave Astronomy, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24010              
2Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1933290              
3Multi-messenger Astrophysics of Compact Binaries, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_3329942              
4Binary Merger Observations and Numerical Relativity, AEI-Hannover, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2461691              
5Astrophysical Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_24013              


Free keywords: Astrophysics, High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena, astro-ph.HE
 Abstract: We search for gravitational-wave transients associated with fast radio bursts
(FRBs) detected by the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast
Radio Burst Project (CHIME/FRB), during the first part of the third observing
run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo (1 April 2019 15:00 UTC-1 Oct 2019
15:00 UTC). Triggers from 22 FRBs were analyzed with a search that targets
compact binary coalescences with at least one neutron star component. A
targeted search for generic gravitational-wave transients was conducted on 40
FRBs. We find no significant evidence for a gravitational-wave association in
either search. Given the large uncertainties in the distances of the FRBs
inferred from the dispersion measures in our sample, however, this does not
conclusively exclude any progenitor models that include emission of a
gravitational wave of the types searched for from any of these FRB events. We
report $90\%$ confidence lower bounds on the distance to each FRB for a range
of gravitational-wave progenitor models. By combining the inferred maximum
distance information for each FRB with the sensitivity of the
gravitational-wave searches, we set upper limits on the energy emitted through
gravitational waves for a range of emission scenarios. We find values of order
$10^{51}$-$10^{57}$ erg for a range of different emission models with central
gravitational wave frequencies in the range 70-3560 Hz. Finally, we also found
no significant coincident detection of gravitational waves with the repeater,
FRB 20200120E, which is the closest known extragalactic FRB.


 Dates: 2022-03-22
 Publication Status: Not specified
 Pages: 35 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: arXiv: 2203.12038
 Degree: -



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