strongly correlated electrons; antiferromagnetism; NQR; pressure
We present the results of In-115-NQR measurements of CePd2In under
hydrostatic pressure up to 14.6 kbar. At zero external pressure this
compound exhibits anti ferromagnetic order below T-N = 1.2 K. involving
the alignment of very small Cc moments. This unusual ground state is
believed to be the result of a competition between Kondo screening and
RKKY interaction involving the conduction electrons and the localised
4f-electrons of the Ce3+ ions. From our NQR spectra. we observe a
pressure-induced increase of TN between ambient pressure and 14.6 kbar,
such that Delta T-N/Delta p approximate to 16.5 mK kbar(-1). (c) 2006
Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.