CMR thin films; epitaxial growth; pulsed laser deposition
Doped manganese oxides represent a class of materials with a
wealth of ordering phenomena including spin-, charge- and
orbital ordering, all coupled to lattice properties. The
possibility to grow epitaxial thin films paves the way to
introduce controllable epitaxial strain and to artificially
modify the film properties. In three examples this is
demonstrated and discussed in the paper. First, tailoring the
ferromagnetic ordering temperature and the characteristics of
the magnetization curve in La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 thin films, second,
the pressure sensitivity of resistivity in strained
La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 thin films. Finally, using films grown on
vicinal cut substrates, anisotropic properties of strained
films are studied and thermoelectric voltages can be measured.
These examples pave the way to new types of applications of
colossal magnetoresistance thin films beyond spintronics. (C)
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