In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, up to 15% of the genes are organized in operons. Polycistronic precursor RNAs are processed by trans-splicing at the 5' ends of genes by adding a specific trans-spliced leader. Ten different spliced leaders are known in C. elegans that differ in sequence and abundance. The SL1 leader is most abundant and is spliced to the 5' ends of monocistronic genes and to upstream genes in operons. Trans-splicing is common among nematodes and was observed in the genera Panagrellus, Ascaris, Haemonchus, Anisakis, and Brugia. However, little is known about operons in nonrhabditid nematodes. Dolichorhabditis CEW1, another rhabditid nematode that is now called Oscheius CEW1, contains operons and SL2 trans-splicing. We have studied the presence of operons and trans-splicing in Pristionchus pacificus, a species of the Diplogastridae that has recently been developed as a satellite organism in evolutionary developmental biology. We provide evidence that P. pacificus contains operons and that downstream genes are trans-spliced to SL2. Surprisingly, the one operon analyzed so far in P. pacificus is not conserved in C. elegans, suggesting unexpected genomic plasticity.