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Research group Z. Harman – Division C. H. Keitel
In this thesis, nuclear-structure effects in atomic systems are investigated from the microscopic point of view. To this end, a detailed description of nuclear dynamics is incorporated into calculations of the finite-nuclear-size and nuclear-polarization corrections to atomic energy levels and the bound-electron g factor. Hydrogen-like highly charged ions as well as muonic atoms are considered. Nuclear ground-state charge distributions are obtained within the Hartree-Fock method, while complete nuclear excitation spectra are computed by means of the random-phase approximation. The interaction between nucleons is modelled by the effective Skyrme force. The effects of nuclear excitations on atomic properties are described in a field-theoretical framework, where the full Dirac spectrum of a bound electron or muon is taken into account with the help of finite basis-set methods. Special attention is given to analyzing the nuclear model dependence, and the uncertainties of the calculations are estimated. In addition, the suppression of nuclear-structure effects in various weighted differences is discussed. Finally, the developed methods and computational codes are applied to the long-standing problem of the fine-structure anomalies in heavy muonic atoms.