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  H.E.S.S. follow-up of BBH merger events

H.E.S.S. Collabortion, Arroyo Seglar, M., Abdalla, H., Aharonian, F., Ait-Benkhali, F., Anguener, O., et al. (2022). H.E.S.S. follow-up of BBH merger events. Proceedings of Science, 395: 943. doi:10.22323/1.395.0943.

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H.E.S.S. Collabortion, Author              
Arroyo Seglar, M. , Author
Abdalla, H., Author
Aharonian, F.1, Author           
Ait-Benkhali, F., Author
Anguener, O., Author
Arcaro, C., Author
Armand, C., Author
Armstrong, T., Author
Ashkar, H., Author
Backes, M., Author
Baghmanyan, V., Author
Martins, V. Barbosa, Author
Barnacka, A., Author
Barnard, M., Author
Batzofin, R., Author
Becherini, Y., Author
Berge, D., Author
Bernlöhr, K.1, Author           
Bi, B., Author
Böttcher, M., AuthorBoisson, C., AuthorBolmont, J., AuthorBony, M., AuthorBreuhaus, M., AuthorBrose, R., AuthorBrun, F., AuthorBulik, T., AuthorBylund, T., AuthorCangemi, F., AuthorCaroff, S., AuthorCasanova, S., AuthorCatalano, J., AuthorChambery, P., AuthorChand, T.B., AuthorChen, A., AuthorCotter, G., AuthorCurlo, M., AuthorDalgleish, H., AuthorMbarubucyeye, J. Damascene, AuthorDavids, I.D., AuthorDavies, J., AuthorDevin, J., AuthorDjannati-Ataï, A., AuthorDmytriev, A., AuthorDonath, A., AuthorDoroshenko, V., AuthorDreyer, L., AuthorPlessis, L. Du, AuthorDuffy, C., AuthorEgberts, K., AuthorEinecke, S., AuthorErnenwein, J.P., AuthorFegan, S., AuthorFeijen, K., AuthorFiasson, A., Authorde Clairfontaine, G. Fichet, AuthorFontaine, G., AuthorFrans, L., AuthorFuessling, M., AuthorFunk, S., AuthorGabici, S., AuthorGallant, Y., AuthorGiavitto, G., AuthorGiunti, L., AuthorGlawion, D., AuthorGlicenstein, J.F., AuthorGrondin, M.H., AuthorHattingh, S., AuthorHaupt, M., AuthorHermann, G., AuthorHinton, J.1, Author           Hofmann, W.2, Author           Hoischen, C., AuthorHolch, T., AuthorHoller, M., AuthorHorns, D., AuthorHuang, Z.Q., AuthorHuber, D., AuthorHörbe, M., AuthorJamrozy, M., AuthorJankowsky, F., AuthorJoshi, V., AuthorJung, I., AuthorKasai, E., AuthorKatarzynski, K., AuthorKatz, U., AuthorKhangulyan, D., AuthorKhelifi, B., AuthorKlepser, S., AuthorKluzniak, W., AuthorKomin, N., AuthorKonno, R., AuthorKosack, K., AuthorKostunin, D., AuthorKreter, M., AuthorMezek, G. Kukec, AuthorKundu, A., AuthorLamanna, G., AuthorLe Stum, S., AuthorLemiere, A., AuthorLemoine-Goumard, M., AuthorLenain, J.P., AuthorLeuschner, F., AuthorLevy, C., AuthorLohse, T., AuthorLuashvili, A., AuthorLypova, I., AuthorMackey, J., AuthorMajumdar, J., AuthorMalyshev, D., AuthorMalyshev, D., AuthorMarandon, V., AuthorMarchegiani, P., AuthorMarcowith, A., AuthorMares, A., AuthorMartí-Devesa, G., AuthorMarx, R., AuthorMaurin, G., AuthorMeintjes, P., AuthorMeyer, M., AuthorMitchell, A., AuthorModerski, R., AuthorMohrmann, L., AuthorMontanari, A., AuthorMoore, C., AuthorMorris, P., AuthorMoulin, E., AuthorMuller, J., AuthorMurach, T., AuthorNakashima, K., AuthorNaurois, M., AuthorNayerhoda, A., AuthorDavids, H., AuthorNiemiec, J., AuthorNoel, A., AuthorO'Brien, P., AuthorOberholzer, L.L., AuthorOhm, S., AuthorOlivera-Nieto, L., AuthorOna-Wilhelmi, E., AuthorOstrowski, M., AuthorPanny, S., AuthorPanter, M., AuthorParsons, D., AuthorPeron, G., AuthorPita, S., AuthorPoireau, V., AuthorProkhorov, D., AuthorProkoph, H., AuthorPuehlhofer, G., AuthorPunch, M., AuthorQuirrenbach, A., AuthorReichherzer, P., AuthorReimer, A., AuthorReimer, O., AuthorRemy, Q., AuthorRenaud, M., AuthorReville, B., AuthorRieger, F., AuthorRomoli, C., AuthorRowell, G., AuthorRudak, B., AuthorRicarte, H. Rueda, AuthorVelasco, E. Ruiz, AuthorSahakian, V., AuthorSailer, S., AuthorSalzmann, H., AuthorSanchez, D., AuthorSantangelo, A., AuthorSasaki, M., AuthorSchaefer, J., AuthorSchutte, H., AuthorSchwanke, U., AuthorSchüssler, F., AuthorSenniappan, M., AuthorSeyffert, A., AuthorShapopi, J.N.S., AuthorShiningayamwe, K., AuthorSimoni, R., AuthorSinha, A., AuthorSol, H., AuthorSpackman, H., AuthorSpecovius, A., AuthorSpencer, S.T., AuthorSpir-Jacob, M., AuthorStawarz, L., AuthorSteenkamp, R., AuthorStegmann, C., AuthorSteinmassl, S., AuthorSteppa, C., AuthorSun, L., AuthorTakahashi, T., AuthorTanaka, T., AuthorTavernier, T., AuthorTaylor, A., AuthorTerrier, R., AuthorThiersen, H., AuthorThorpe-Morgan, C., AuthorTluczykont, M., AuthorTomankova, L., AuthorTsirou, M., AuthorTsuji, N., AuthorTuffs, R., AuthorUchiyama, Y., Authorvan der Walt, J., Authorvan Eldik, C., Authorvan Rensburg, C., Authorvan Soelen, B., AuthorVasileiadis, G., AuthorVeh, J., AuthorVenter, C., AuthorVincent, P., AuthorVink, J., AuthorVölk, H.J.3, Author           Wagner, S., AuthorWatson, J.J., AuthorWerner, F.1, Author           White, R., AuthorWierzcholska, A., AuthorWong, Y.W., AuthorYassin, H.M., AuthorYusafzai, A., AuthorZacharias, M., AuthorZanin, R., AuthorZargaryan, D., AuthorZdziarski, A., AuthorZech, A., AuthorZmija, A., AuthorZouari, S., AuthorŻywucka, N., AuthorZhu, S., Author more..
1Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2074298              
2Prof. Werner Hofmann, Emeriti, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_3188608              
3Prof. Heinrich J. Völk, Emeriti, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_907548              


Free keywords: Astrophysics, High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena, astro-ph.HE
 MPINP: HESS - Abteilung Hinton
 Abstract: We present here, follow-up observations of four Binary black hole BBH events
performed with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) in the Very High
Energy (VHE) gamma-ray domain during the second and third LIGO/Virgo
observation runs. Detailed analyses of the obtained data did not show
significant VHE emission. We derive integral upper limit maps considering a
generic $E^{-2}$ source spectrum in the most sensitive H.E.S.S energy interval
ranging from 1 to 10 TeV. We also consider Extragalactic Background Light
absorption effects and derive integral upper limits over the full accessible
energy range. We finally derive upper limits of the VHE luminosity for each
event and compare them with the expected VHE emission from GRBs. These
comparisons allow us to assess the H.E.S.S. gravitational wave follow-up
strategies. For the fourth GW observing run O4, we do not expect to
fundamentally alter our observing strategy, and will continue to prioritize sky
coverage like for the previous runs


 Dates: 2022-03
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: arXiv: 2108.02282
DOI: 10.22323/1.395.0943
 Degree: -


Title: 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021)
Place of Event: -
Start-/End Date: -

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Source 1

Title: Proceedings of Science
  Other : PoS
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 395 Sequence Number: 943 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 1824-8039
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/1000000000018850_1