Free keywords:
High Energy Physics - Experiment, hep-ex,Nuclear Experiment, nucl-ex
We comment on the claimed observation [arXiv:arXiv:2005.05301] of sterile
neutrino oscillations by the Neutrino-4 collaboration. Such a claim, which
requires the existence of a new fundamental particle, demands a level of rigor
commensurate with its impact. The burden lies with the Neutrino-4 collaboration
to provide the information necessary to prove the validity of their claim to
the community. In this note, we describe aspects of both the data and analysis
method that might lead to an oscillation signature arising from a null
experiment and describe additional information needed from the Neutrino-4
collaboration to support the oscillation claim. Additionally, as opposed to the
assertion made by the Neutrino-4 collaboration, we also show that the method of
'coherent summation' using the $L/E$ parameter produces similar results to the
methods used by the PROSPECT and the STEREO collaborations.