Physics, Atomic Physics, physics.atom-ph
Research group K. Z. Hatsagortsyan – Division C. H. Keitel
The analytical R-matrix (ARM) theory has been known for an efficient description of the Coulomb effects of the atomic core in strong-field ionization in the nonrelativistic regime. We generalize the ARM theory into the relativistic domain aiming at the application to strong-field ionization of highly-charged ions in ultrastrong laser fields. Comparison with the relativistic Coulomb-corrected strong field approximations (SFA) is provided, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages. The weakly relativistic asymptotics and its accordance with the nondipole Coulomb-corrected SFA are examined. As an example of a physical application of the relativistic ARM, the Coulomb enhancement of tunneling ionization probability for highly-charged ions at the cutoff of the direct channel is discussed.