The cloud droplet size distribution is often described by a gamma distribution defined by the effective radius and the effective variance. The effective radius is directly related to the cloud's optical thickness, which influences the radiative properties of a cloud. The effective variance affects, among other things, the evolution of precipitation. Both parameters can be retrieved from measurements of the cloudbow. The cloudbow (or rainbow) is an optical phenomenon that forms due to the single scattering of radiation by liquid cloud droplets at the cloud edge. The polarized radiance of the cloudbow crucially depends on the cloud droplet size distribution. The effective radius and the effective variance can be retrieved by fitting model simulations (stored in a lookup table) to polarized cloudbow observations. This study uses measurements from the wide-field polarization-sensitive camera of the spectrometer of the Munich Aerosol Cloud Scanner (specMACS) aboard the German "High Altitude and LOng range research aircraft"(HALO). Along with precise cloud geometry data derived by a stereographic method, a geolocalization of the observed clouds is possible. Observations of the same cloud from consecutive images are combined into one radiance measurement from multiple angles. Two case studies of trade-wind cumulus clouds measured during the EUREC4A (ElUcidating the RolE of Cloud-Circulation Coupling in ClimAte) field campaign are presented, and the cloudbow technique is demonstrated. The results are combined into maps of the effective radius and the effective variance with a 100m × 100m spatial resolution and large coverage (across-Track swath width of 8km). The first case study shows a stratiform cloud deck with distinct patches of large effective radii up to 40μm and a median effective variance of 0.11. specMACS measures at a very high angular resolution (binned to 0.3) which is necessary when large droplets are present. The second case study consists of small cumulus clouds (diameters of approximately 2km). The retrieved effective radius is 7.0μm, and the effective variance is 0.08 (both median values). This study demonstrates that specMACS is able to determine the droplet size distribution of liquid water clouds even for small cumulus clouds, which are a problem for traditional droplet size retrievals based on total reflectances. © 2023 Copernicus GmbH. All rights reserved.