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  A solar coronal loop in a box: Energy generation and heating

Breu, C., Peter, H., Cameron, R. H., Solanki, S. K., Rempel, M., Przybylski, D., et al. (2022). A solar coronal loop in a box: Energy generation and heating. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 658. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/202141451.

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Date of Discard: 2023-08-24
Comment: _Breu doppelt
Breu, Cosima1           
Peter, Hardi1           
Cameron, Robert H.1, 2           
Solanki, Sami K.1           
Rempel, M.
Przybylski, D.1           
Chitta, L. P.1           
1Department Sun and Heliosphere, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Max Planck Society, ou_1832289              
2Department Solar and Stellar Interiors, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Max Planck Society, ou_1832287              
 Dates: 2022-01-282022-02
Files: 0 Files
Locators: 0 Locators
version ID: item_3495016_1
Item State: Discarded
Name of Context: Publications of the MPI for Solar System Research, Affiliated to: Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research