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  Pathways of regenerated retinotectal axons in goldfish. I. Optic nerve, tract and tectal fascicle layer

Stuermer, C. (1986). Pathways of regenerated retinotectal axons in goldfish. I. Optic nerve, tract and tectal fascicle layer. Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology, 93, 1-28.

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Stuermer, CAO1, Author                 
1Department Physical Biology, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, Max Planck Society, ou_3384683              


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 Abstract: This study investigates the order of regenerating retinal axons in the goldfish. The spatiotemporal pattern of axon regrowth was assessed by applying horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to regenerating axons in the optic tract at various times after optic nerve section and by analysing the distribution of retrogradely labelled ganglion cells in retina. At all regeneration stages labelled ganglion cells were widely distributed over the retina. There was no hint that axons from central (older) ganglion cells might regrow earlier, and peripheral (younger) ganglion cells later, as occurs in normal development. The absence of an age-related ordering in the regenerated optic nerve was demonstrated by labelling a few axon bundles intraorbitally with HRP (Easter, Rusoff & Kish, 1981) caudal to the previous cut. The retrogradely labelled cells in retina were randomly distributed in regenerates and not clustered in annuli as in normals. Tracing regenerating axons which were stained anterogradely from intraretinal HRP applications or retrogradely from single labelled tectal fascicles illustrated the fact that the regenerating axons coursed in abnormal routes in the optic nerve and tract. On the surface of the tectum regenerated fibres re-established a fascicle fan. The retinal origin of tectal fascicles was assessed by labelling individual peripheral, intermediate and rostral fascicles with HRP. The retrogradely labelled ganglion cells in the retina were often more widely distributed than in normals, but were mostly found in peripheral, intermediate and central retina, respectively. The order of fibre departure from each tectal fascicle was revealed by placing HRP either on the fascicle's proximal or on its distal half. With proximal labelling sites labelled ganglion cells were found in the temporal and nasal retina, and with distal labelling sites labelled ganglion cells were confined to nasal retina only. Further, the axonal trajectories of anterogradely labelled dorsotemporal retinal ganglion cells were compared to those of dorsonasal retinal ganglion cells in tectal whole mounts. Dorsotemporal axons were confined to the rostral tectal half, whereas dorsonasal axons followed fascicular routes into the fascicle's distal end and reached into caudal tectum. This suggests that the fibres exited along their fascicle's course in a temporonasal sequence. Thus in the tectum, fibres in fascicles restore a gross spatial and age-related order and tend to follow their normal temporonasal sequence of exit.


 Dates: 1986-04
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: PMID: 3734679
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology
  Abbreviation : J Embryol Exp Morphol
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: London, UK : Cambridge University Press
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 93 Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 1 - 28 Identifier: ISSN: 0022-0752
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/0022-0752