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  Search for $B^{0} \to K_S^{0}K_S^{0}γ$ decays at Belle

Belle Collaboration, Jeon, H., Kang, K., Park, H., Adachi, I., Aihara, H., et al. (2022). Search for $B^{0} \to K_S^{0}K_S^{0}γ$ decays at Belle. Physical Review D, 106, 012006. Retrieved from https://publications.mppmu.mpg.de/?action=search&mpi=MPP-2022-48.

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Belle Collaboration1, Author
Jeon, H.B.1, Author
Kang, K.H.1, Author
Park, H.1, Author
Adachi, I.1, Author
Aihara, H.1, Author
Al Said, S.1, Author
Asner, D.M.1, Author
Atmacan, H.1, Author
Aushev, T.1, Author
Ayad, R.1, Author
Babu, V.1, Author
Bahinipati, S.1, Author
Behera, P.1, Author
Belous, K.1, Author
Bennett, J.1, Author
Bernlochner, F.1, Author
Bessner, M.1, Author
Bhardwaj, V.1, Author
Bhuyan, B.1, Author
Bilka, T.1, AuthorBobrov, A.1, AuthorBodrov, D.1, AuthorBorah, J.1, AuthorBozek, A.1, AuthorBračko, M.1, AuthorBranchini, P.1, AuthorBrowder, T.E.1, AuthorBudano, A.1, AuthorCampajola, M.1, AuthorČervenkov, D.1, AuthorChang, M.-C.1, AuthorChang, P.1, AuthorChen, A.1, AuthorCheon, B.G.1, AuthorChilikin, K.1, AuthorCho, H.E.1, AuthorCho, K.1, AuthorCho, S.-J.1, AuthorChoi, S.-K.1, AuthorChoi, Y.1, AuthorChoudhury, S.1, AuthorCinabro, D.1, AuthorCunliffe, S.1, AuthorDas, S.1, AuthorDash, N.1, AuthorDe Pietro, G.1, AuthorDhamija, R.1, AuthorDi Capua, F.1, AuthorDingfelder, J.1, AuthorDoležal, Z.1, AuthorDong, T.V.1, AuthorEpifanov, D.1, AuthorFerber, T.1, AuthorFerlewicz, D.1, AuthorFulsom, B.G.1, AuthorGarg, R.1, AuthorGaur, V.1, AuthorGabyshev, N.1, AuthorGiri, A.1, AuthorGoldenzweig, P.1, AuthorGolob, B.1, AuthorGraziani, E.1, AuthorGu, T.1, AuthorGudkova, K.1, AuthorHadjivasiliou, C.1, AuthorHara, T.1, AuthorHayasaka, K.1, AuthorHayashii, H.1, AuthorHedges, M.T.1, AuthorHiguchi, T.1, AuthorHou, W.-S.1, AuthorHsu, C.-L.1, AuthorInami, K.1, AuthorInguglia, G.1, AuthorIshikawa, A.1, AuthorItoh, R.1, AuthorIwasaki, M.1, AuthorIwasaki, Y.1, AuthorJacobs, W.W.1, AuthorJang, E.-J.1, AuthorJia, S.1, AuthorJin, Y.1, AuthorJoo, K.K.1, AuthorKahn, J.1, AuthorKakuno, H.1, AuthorKaliyar, A.B.1, AuthorKawasaki, T.1, AuthorKiesling, C.1, AuthorKim, C.H.1, AuthorKim, D.Y.1, AuthorKim, K.-H.1, AuthorKim, K.T.1, AuthorKim, Y.-K.1, AuthorKinoshita, K.1, AuthorKodyš, P.1, AuthorKonno, T.1, AuthorKorobov, A.1, AuthorKorpar, S.1, AuthorKovalenko, E.1, AuthorKrižan, P.1, AuthorKroeger, R.1, AuthorKrokovny, P.1, AuthorKuhr, T.1, AuthorKumar, M.1, AuthorKumara, K.1, AuthorKuzmin, A.1, AuthorKwon, Y.-J.1, AuthorLai, Y.-T.1, AuthorLalwani, K.1, AuthorLam, T.1, AuthorLange, J.S.1, AuthorLaurenza, M.1, AuthorLee, S.C.1, AuthorLi, C.H.1, AuthorLi, J.1, AuthorLi, Y.1, AuthorLi, Y.B.1, AuthorLi Gioi, L.1, AuthorLibby, J.1, AuthorLieret, K.1, AuthorLiventsev, D.1, AuthorMartini, A.1, AuthorMasuda, M.1, AuthorMatsuda, T.1, AuthorMatvienko, D.1, AuthorMaurya, S.K.1, AuthorMerola, M.1, AuthorMetzner, F.1, AuthorMiyabayashi, K.1, AuthorMizuk, R.1, AuthorMohanty, G.B.1, AuthorNakao, M.1, AuthorNarwal, D.1, AuthorNatkaniec, Z.1, AuthorNatochii, A.1, AuthorNayak, L.1, AuthorNayak, M.1, AuthorNisar, N.K.1, AuthorNishida, S.1, AuthorOgawa, K.1, AuthorOgawa, S.1, AuthorOno, H.1, AuthorOnuki, Y.1, AuthorOskin, P.1, AuthorPakhlov, P.1, AuthorPakhlova, G.1, AuthorPang, T.1, AuthorPardi, S.1, AuthorPark, S.-H.1, AuthorPasseri, A.1, AuthorPatra, S.1, AuthorPaul, S.1, AuthorPedlar, T.K.1, AuthorPestotnik, R.1, AuthorPiilonen, L.E.1, AuthorPodobnik, T.1, AuthorPopov, V.1, AuthorPrencipe, E.1, AuthorPrim, M.T.1, AuthorPurohit, M.V.1, AuthorRöhrken, M.1, AuthorRostomyan, A.1, AuthorRout, N.1, AuthorRusso, G.1, AuthorSahoo, D.1, AuthorSandilya, S.1, AuthorSangal, A.1, AuthorSantelj, L.1, AuthorSanuki, T.1, AuthorSavinov, V.1, AuthorSchnell, G.1, AuthorSchwanda, C.1, AuthorSeino, Y.1, AuthorSenyo, K.1, AuthorSevior, M.E.1, AuthorShapkin, M.1, AuthorSharma, C.1, AuthorShebalin, V.1, AuthorShen, C.P.1, AuthorShiu, J.-G.1, AuthorSingh, J.B.1, AuthorSokolov, A.1, AuthorSolovieva, E.1, AuthorStarič, M.1, AuthorStottler, Z.S.1, AuthorStrube, J.F.1, AuthorSumihama, M.1, AuthorSumiyoshi, T.1, AuthorTakizawa, M.1, AuthorTamponi, U.1, AuthorTanida, K.1, AuthorTenchini, F.1, AuthorUchida, M.1, AuthorUglov, T.1, AuthorUnno, Y.1, AuthorUno, S.1, AuthorUrquijo, P.1, AuthorUsov, Y.1, AuthorVahsen, S.E.1, AuthorVan Tonder, R.1, AuthorVarner, G.1, AuthorVarvell, K.E.1, AuthorVinokurova, A.1, AuthorVossen, A.1, AuthorWaheed, E.1, AuthorWang, C.H.1, AuthorWang, M.-Z.1, AuthorWatanuki, S.1, AuthorWon, E.1, AuthorYabsley, B.D.1, AuthorYan, W.1, AuthorYang, S.B.1, AuthorYe, H.1, AuthorYelton, J.1, AuthorYin, J.H.1, AuthorYuan, C.Z.1, AuthorYusa, Y.1, AuthorZhai, Y.1, AuthorZhang, Z.P.1, AuthorZhilich, V.1, AuthorZhukova, V.1, Author more..
1Max Planck Institute for Physics, Max Planck Society and Cooperation Partners, ou_2253650              


Free keywords: Belle
 Abstract: We report the first search for the penguin-dominated process $B^0 \rightarrow K_S^0 K_S^0 \gamma$ using the full data sample of $772\times 10^6$ $B\bar{B}$ pairs collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+ e^-$ collider. We do not observe any statistically significant signal yield in the $K_S^0$-pair invariant mass range 1 GeV/$c^2 < M_{K_S^0 K_S^0} < $ 3 GeV/$c^2$, and set the following upper limits at 90% confidence level: $\mathcal{B}(B^0 \to K_S^0 K_S^0 \gamma) < 5.8\times10^{-7}$, $\mathcal{B}(B^0 \to f_2 \gamma)\times \mathcal{B}(f_2 (1270) \to K_S^0 K_S^0 ) < 3.1\times10^{-7}$, and $\mathcal{B}(B^0 \to f_2^{\prime} \gamma)\times \mathcal{B}(f_2^{\prime} (1525) \to K_S^0 K_S^0 ) < 2.1\times10^{-7}$. Further, 90% confidence upper limits have also been set in the range of [0.7-2.9]$\times10^{-7}$ on the $B^0 \rightarrow K_S^0 K_S^0 \gamma$ branching fraction in bins of $M_{K_S^0 K_S^0}$.


 Dates: 2022
 Publication Status: Issued
 Pages: -
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 Rev. Type: -
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Title: Physical Review D
  Abbreviation : Phys.Rev.D
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: -
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 106 Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 012006 Identifier: -