Condensed Matter, Superconductivity, cond-mat.supr-con, Condensed Matter, Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics, cond-mat.mes-hall, Condensed Matter, Strongly Correlated Electrons, cond-mat.str-el
Optical driving of materials has emerged as a promising tool to control their macroscopic properties. In this work we present a microscopic mechanism for efficiently photo-inducing superconductivity. We investigate an attractive electron-electron interaction mediated by a boson that couples to an electronic transition between two bands separated by a band gap. While this attraction is small in equilibrium, we find that it can be increased by several orders of magnitude when the bosons are driven into a nonthermal state. Moreover, not only is the induced attraction enhanced when the bosons are driven, but this enhancement is further amplified when the boson is near-resonant to the electronic interband excitation energy, making this mechanism a potentially ideal candidate for efficient photo-induced superconductivity. We first use exact diagonalisation calculations of a two-site model to prove that pairing is indeed resonantly enhanced out-of equilibrium. We then investigate the potential of this mechanism to increase the superconducting transition temperature, and find by investigating the gap equation that pairing is resonantly amplified when the bosons are in a nonthermal state. We argue that our proposed mechanism provides a simple prescription for designing new platforms that enable photo-induced superconductivity at significant temperatures and moderate driving strengths, and estimate a transition temperature Tc≈5K for a SrTiO3 -- graphene heterostructure.