Project name
This study received support from National Institutes of Health grants T32DK091317 (K.G.H.), T32DK007115 (K.G.H.), U54DK110858 (J.R.), R35GM131854 (J.R.), R01DK108859 (D.R.T.), R01GM103369 (A.P.V.), R35CA242379 (M.G.V.H.), R01CA201276 (M.G.V.H.), T32-GM007287 (S.B.), U54DK110858 (J.E.C.), R01HD04346 (M.J.P.), R01HD105311 (M.J.P.), R01 GM125944 (F.J.S.), R01 DK112854 (F.J.S.), F99CA253744 (J.A.B.), 5K00CA212445 (A.J.B.), T32DK091317 (A.L.), and F30CA243440 (J.M.W.); National Science Foundation DBI-1661375 and IIS-1513616 (B.W.); National Research Foundation of Korea grant 2021R1F1A1063558 (H.-C.A.); National Natural Science Foundation of China grant 32071207 (C.-H.Y.); German Research Foundation SFB860 (K.T.); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico 308769/2019-8 (M.C.N.) and 154690/2018-0 (M.A.A.A.); Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo 2008/08262-6 (M.C.N.); Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior 88882.328384/2010-01 (M.A.A.A.); Calico LLC (J.R.); the Nora Eccles Treadwell Foundation (J.R. and C.P.H.); the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (J.R.); a Howard Hughes Faculty Scholars grant (M.G.V.H.); the Emerald Foundation (M.G.V.H.); the Lustgarten Foundation (M.G.V.H.); the Ludwig Center at MIT (M.G.V.H.); the MIT Center for Precision Cancer Medicine (M.G.V.H.); the University of Nottingham (I.D.); and the University of West Virginia (B.A.W.).
Grant ID
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