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  Disruption prediction with artificial intelligence techniques in tokamak plasmas

Vega, J., Murari, A., Dormido-Canto, S., Ratta, G. A., Gelfusa, M., JET Contributors, et al. (2022). Disruption prediction with artificial intelligence techniques in tokamak plasmas. Nature Physics, 18, 741-750. doi:10.1038/s41567-022-01602-2.

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Vega, J.1, Author
Murari, A.1, Author
Dormido-Canto, S.1, Author
Ratta, G. A.1, Author
Gelfusa, M.1, Author
JET Contributors, Author              
Mailloux, J.1, Author
Abid, N.1, Author
Abraham, K.1, Author
Abreu, P.1, Author
Adabonyan, O.1, Author
Adrich, P.1, Author
Afanasev, V.1, Author
Afzal, M.1, Author
Ahlgren, T.1, Author
Aho-Mantila, L.1, Author
Aiba, N.1, Author
Airila, M.1, Author
Akhtar, M.1, Author
Albanese, R.1, Author
Alderson-Martin, M.1, AuthorAlegre, D.1, AuthorAleiferis, S.1, AuthorAleksa, A.1, AuthorAlekseev, A. G.1, AuthorAlessi, E.1, AuthorAleynikov, P.1, AuthorAlgualcil, J.1, AuthorAli, M.1, AuthorAllinson, M.1, AuthorAlper, B.1, AuthorAlves, E.1, AuthorAmbrosino, G.1, AuthorAmbrosino, R.1, AuthorAmosov, V.1, AuthorAndersson Sunden, E.1, AuthorAndrew, P.1, AuthorAngelini, B. M.1, AuthorAngioni, C.2, Author                 Antoniou, I.1, AuthorAppel, L. C.1, AuthorAppelbee, C.1, AuthorAria, S.1, AuthorAriola, M.1, AuthorArtaserse, G.1, AuthorArter, W.1, AuthorArtigues, V.3, Author           Asakura, N.1, AuthorAsh, A.1, AuthorAshikawa, N.1, AuthorAslanyan, V.1, AuthorAstrain, M.1, AuthorAsztalos, O.1, AuthorAuld, D.1, AuthorAuriemma, F.1, AuthorAustin, Y.1, AuthorAvotina, L.1, AuthorAymerich, E.1, AuthorBaciero, A.1, AuthorBairaktaris, F.1, AuthorBalbin, J.1, AuthorBalbinot, L.1, AuthorBalboa, I.1, AuthorBalden, M.4, Author                 Balshaw, C.1, AuthorBalshaw, N.1, AuthorBandaru, V. K.1, AuthorBanks, J.1, AuthorBaranov, Yu. F.1, AuthorBarcellona, C.1, AuthorBarnard, A.1, AuthorBarnard, M.1, AuthorBarnsley, R.1, AuthorBarth, A.1, AuthorBaruzzo, M.1, AuthorBarwell, S.1, AuthorBassan, M.1, AuthorBatista, A.1, AuthorBatistoni, P.1, AuthorBaumane, L.1, AuthorBauvir, B.1, AuthorBaylor, L.1, AuthorBeaumont, P. S.1, AuthorBeckett, D.1, AuthorBegolli, A.1, AuthorBeidler, M.1, AuthorBekris, N.1, AuthorBeldishevski, M.1, AuthorBelli, E.1, AuthorBelli, F.1, AuthorBelonohy, E.1, AuthorBen Yaala, M.1, AuthorBenayas, J.1, AuthorBentley, J.1, AuthorBergsaker, H.1, AuthorBernardo, J.1, AuthorBernert, M.4, Author                 Berry, M.1, AuthorBertalot, L.1, AuthorBetar, H.1, AuthorBeurskens, M.5, Author                 Bickerton, S.1, AuthorBieg, B.1, AuthorBielecki, J.1, AuthorBierwage, A.1, AuthorBiewer, T.1, AuthorBilato, R.3, Author           Bílkova, P.1, AuthorBirkenmeier, G.4, Author                 Bishop, H.1, AuthorBizarro, J. P. 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C.1, AuthorBraic, V.1, AuthorBrandt, L.1, AuthorBravanec, R.1, AuthorBreizman, B.1, AuthorBrett, A.1, AuthorBrezinsek, S.1, AuthorBrix, M.1, AuthorBromley, K.1, AuthorBrown, B.1, AuthorBrunetti, D.1, AuthorBuckingham, R.1, AuthorBuckley, M.1, AuthorBudny, R.1, AuthorBuermans, J.1, AuthorBufferand, H.1, AuthorBuratti, P.1, AuthorBurgess, A.1, AuthorBuscarino, A.1, AuthorBusse, A.1, AuthorButcher, D.1, AuthorCal, E. de la1, AuthorCalabro, G.1, AuthorCalacci, L.1, AuthorCalado, R.1, AuthorCamenen, Y.1, AuthorCanal, G.1, AuthorCannas, B.1, AuthorCappelli, M.1, AuthorCarcangiu, S.1, AuthorCard, P.1, AuthorCardinali, A.1, AuthorCarman, P.1, AuthorCarnevale, D.1, AuthorCarr, M.1, AuthorCarralero, D.1, AuthorCarraro, L.1, AuthorCarvalho, I. S.1, AuthorCarvalho, P.1, AuthorCasiraghi, I.1, AuthorCasson, F. J.1, AuthorCastaldo, C.1, AuthorCatalan, J. P.1, AuthorCatarino, N.1, AuthorCausa, F.1, AuthorCavedon, M.4, Author                 Cecconello, M.1, AuthorChallis, C. 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L.1, AuthorEstrada, T.1, AuthorEvans, G.1, AuthorEvans, S.1, AuthorFable, E.2, Author                 Fagan, D.1, AuthorFaitsch, M.4, Author                 Falessi, M.1, AuthorFanni, A.1, AuthorFarahani, A.1, AuthorFarquhar, I.1, AuthorFasoli, A.1, AuthorFaugeras, B.1, AuthorFazinie, S.1, AuthorFelici, F.1, AuthorFelton, R.1, AuthorFernandes, A.1, AuthorFernandes, H.1, AuthorFerrand, J.1, AuthorFerreira, D. R.1, AuthorFerreira, J.1, AuthorFerro, G.1, AuthorFessey, J.1, AuthorFicker, O.1, AuthorField, A. R.1, AuthorFigueiredo, A.1, AuthorFigueiredo, J.1, AuthorFil, A.1, AuthorFil, N.1, AuthorFinburg, P.1, AuthorFiorucci, D.1, AuthorFischer, U.1, AuthorFishpool, G.1, AuthorFittill, L.1, AuthorFitzgerald, M.1, AuthorFlammini, D.1, AuthorFlanagan, J.1, AuthorFlinders, K.1, AuthorFoley, S.1, AuthorFonnesu, N.1, AuthorFontana, M.1, AuthorFontdecaba, J. 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A.1, AuthorHuynh, P.1, AuthorHynes, A.1, AuthorIliasova, M.1, Authorlmrie, D.1, Authorlmrísek, M.1, Authorlngleby, J.1, AuthorInnocente, P.1, AuthorInsulander Björk, K.1, AuthorIsernia, N.1, Authorlvanova-Stanik, I.1, Authorlvings, E.1, AuthorJablonski, S.1, AuthorJachmich, S.1, AuthorJackson, T.1, AuthorJacquet, P.1, AuthorJärleblad, H.1, AuthorJaulmes, F.1, AuthorJenaro Rodriguez, J.1, AuthorJepu, I.1, AuthorJoffrin, E.1, AuthorJohnson, R.1, AuthorJohnson, T.1, AuthorJohnston, J.1, AuthorJones, C.1, AuthorJones, G.1, AuthorJones, L.1, AuthorJones, N.1, AuthorJones, T.1, AuthorJoyce, A.1, AuthorJuarez, R.1, AuthorJuvonen, M.1, AuthorKalnina, P.1, AuthorKaltiaisenaho, T.1, AuthorKaniewski, J.1, AuthorKantor, A.1, AuthorKappatou, A.2, Author                 Karhunen, J.1, AuthorKarkinsky, D.1, AuthorKashchuk, Yu1, AuthorKaufman, M.1, AuthorKaveney, G.1, AuthorKazakov, Y. E. O.1, AuthorKazantzidis, V.1, AuthorKeeling, D. 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R.1, AuthorKotschenreuther, M.1, AuthorKoubiti, M.1, AuthorKowalska-Strzeciwilk, E.1, AuthorKoziol, K.1, AuthorKrasilnikov, A.1, AuthorKrasilnikov, V.1, AuthorKresina, M.1, AuthorKrieger, K.4, Author                 Krishnan, N.1, AuthorKrivska, A.1, AuthorKruezi, U.1, AuthorKsiezek, I.1, AuthorKukushkin, A. B.1, AuthorKumpulainen, H.1, AuthorKurki-Suonio, T.1, AuthorKurotaki, H.1, AuthorKwak, S.8, Author                 Kwon, O. J.1, AuthorLaguardia, L.1, AuthorLagzdina, E.1, AuthorLahtinen, A.1, AuthorLaing, A.1, AuthorLam, N.1, AuthorLambertz, H. T.1, AuthorLane, B.1, AuthorLane, C.1, AuthorLascas Neto, E.1, AuthorLaszyriska, E.1, AuthorLawson, K. D.1, AuthorLazaros, A.1, AuthorLazzaro, E.1, AuthorLearoyd, G.1, AuthorLee, Chanyoung1, AuthorLee, S. E.1, AuthorLeerink, S.1, AuthorLeeson, T.1, AuthorLefebvre, X.1, AuthorLeggate, H. 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M.1, AuthorTurnyanskiy, M.1, AuthorTvalashvili, G.1, AuthorTyrrell, S.1, AuthorTyshchenko, M.1, AuthorUccello, A.1, AuthorUdintsev, V.1, AuthorUrbanczyk, G.1, AuthorVadgama, A.1, AuthorValcarcel, D.1, AuthorValisa, M.1, AuthorVallejos Olivares, P.1, AuthorVallhagen, O.1, AuthorValovic, M.1, AuthorVan Eester, D.1, AuthorVarje, J.1, AuthorVartanian, S.1, AuthorVasilopoulou, T.1, AuthorVayakis, G.1, AuthorVecsei, M.1, AuthorVega, J.1, AuthorVentre, S.1, AuthorVerdoolaege, G.1, AuthorVerona, C.1, AuthorVerona Rinati, G.1, AuthorVeshchev, E.1, AuthorVianello, N.1, AuthorViezzer, E.1, AuthorVignitchouk, L.1, AuthorVila, R.1, AuthorVillari, R.1, AuthorVillone, F.1, AuthorVincenzi, P.1, AuthorVinyar, I.1, AuthorViola, B.1, AuthorVirtanen, A. J.1, AuthorVitins, A.1, AuthorVizvary, Z.1, AuthorVlad, G.1, AuthorVlad, M.1, AuthorVondracek, P.1, Authorde Vries, P.1, AuthorWakeling, B.1, AuthorWalkden, N. 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1External Organizations, ou_persistent22              
2Tokamak Scenario Development (E1), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856321              
3Tokamak Theory (TOK), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856309              
4Plasma Edge and Wall (E2M), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856327              
5Stellarator Heating and Optimisation (E3), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2040305              
6Stellarator Edge and Divertor Physics (E4), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856286              
7Office of the Director (DI), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856325              
8Stellarator Dynamics and Transport (E5), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2040306              
9Numerical Methods in Plasma Physics (NMPP), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856344              
10Stellarator Theory (ST), Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1856287              




Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2022
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: 10 p.
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1038/s41567-022-01602-2
 Degree: -



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Project name : Euratom Research and Training Programme 2020-2027 – EUROfusion
Grant ID : 101052200
Funding program : Horizon Europe (HE)
Funding organization : European Commission (EC)

Source 1

Title: Nature Physics
  Other : Nat. Phys.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: London : Nature Pub. Group
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 18 Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 741 - 750 Identifier: ISSN: 1745-2473
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/1000000000025850