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obligate anaerobe, fermentative, saccharolytic, alanine production, ultramicrobacterium, animal-associated, insect guts
E.lu.si.mi.cro'bi.um. L. part. adj. elusus (from L. v. eludo), to elude, parry (with the accessory notion of mockery); here intended to mean escaped from capture; N.L. neut. n. microbium, a microbe; N.L. neut. n. Elusimicrobium, an elusive microbe, hard to find, capture, or isolate. Elusimicrobia / Elusimicrobia / Elusimicrobiales / Elusimicrobiaceae / Elusimicrobium Obligately anaerobic ultramicrobacteria with a Gram-negative cell envelope. Cells are nonmotile rods with rounded ends that occur singly or in pairs. Pleomorphic in all growth phases and considerably shorter in the stationary phase. Heterotrophic with fermentative metabolism; no cytochromes or quinones. Substrates restricted to a limited range of sugars and amino sugars, which are fermented via the Embden?Meyerhof pathway. Fermentation products are acetate, ethanol, CO2, and H2. Growth requires the presence of amino acids, which are transaminated with pyruvate and yield alanine as additional fermentation product. Neutrophilic, mesophilic, and halotolerant. The major fatty acids are C15:0 iso, C15:0 anteiso, and C16:0 iso. Members of the class Elusimicrobia, family Elusimicrobiaceae. Habitat is the intestinal tract of insects. DNA G + C content (mol%): 39.9 (genome sequence). Type species: Elusimicrobium minutum Geissinger, Herlemann, Mörschel, Maier and Brune 2010, 469VP (Effective publication: Geissinger, Herlemann, Mörschel, Maier and Brune 2009, 2839).