In our paper, we map a gut-to-brain neural circuit linking sensory neurons in the upper gut to striatal dopamine release. It has come to our attention that during the preparation of Figure 4, we inadvertently duplicated the left image of panel 4M as 4N (depicting the CGRP-positive neurons and rabies-infected fields within the PBNdl and PBNel of DAT-ires-Cre and VGat-ires-Cre mice, respectively). Upon discovering this error, we returned to the original images. During the revision process to improve the data representation, the fluorescent signals were re-colored, and we realized that we mistakenly added the same panel twice when assembling the figures for resubmission. We have generated accurate versions of Figure 4M and 4N from the original data files, which are shown below. This error, which has been corrected online and in the print version, in no way affects the results of the paper or the interpretation of the data, and we have carefully evaluated all the images in the manuscript to ensure no other errors occurred. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this error may have caused.