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Enrichments on succinate plus yeast extract under anoxic conditions from
intertidal mud-flat sediments yielded cultures dominated by oval to
round-ended rod-shaped cells. Strain 10succl, obtained in pure culture,
was characterized in detail. The non-motile cells possessed a
gram-negative cell wall and did not form spores. Carbohydrates were
fermented to formate, acetate, ethanol, and lactate. Succinate was
decarboxylated to propionate. Other organic and amino acids were
variously fermented to formate, acetate, propionate, and butyrate.
Sulfur, sulfate, thiosulfate, and nitrate were not used as electron
accepters, Growth required the presence of yeast extract and at least 5
g/l NaCl, and was possible only in the absence of oxygen. No cytochromes
were detected. The DNA base ratio was 40 mol% G+C. Phylogenetically,
strain 10succl is closely related to Propionigenium modestum, as
revealed by 16S rDNA analysis, but is physiologically distinct.
Accordingly, strain 10succl (DSM 9537) is described as the type strain
of a new species of the genus Propionigenium, P. maris sp. nov.