Sun: activity, Sun: helioseismology, Sun: interior, Sun: magnetic fields, Sun: sunspots, RING-DIAGRAM ANALYSIS, UPPER CONVECTION ZONE, FLUX TRANSPORT, GONG, CIRCULATION, EVOLUTION, DYNAMICS, MINIMUM
Magnetohydrodynamic dynamo modelling shows that the large-scale solar meridional plasma flow plays an important role in governing the dynamics of the sunspot cycle. Observations indicate that meridional flow velocities at each solar latitude and depth vary over time and are asymmetric across the equator. Here, using helioseismic observations we explore the temporal variation in the hemispherical asymmetry of near-surface residual (time-varying) component of the Sun's meridional flow velocity. The meridional flow velocities obtained from Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) ring-diagram pipelines are used in this work. Our data set covers the declining phase of cycle 23 and cycle 24 (from July 2001 till December 2018) and the flow velocities are poleward for the observed depth range. We observe a time delayed anticorrelation between the hemispherical asymmetry in near-surface meridional flow velocities and the sunspot cycle quantified in terms of magnetic flux and sunspot number. Interestingly, asymmetry in meridional flow velocity precedes the asymmetry in sunspot cycle by 3.1-3.5 yr. We propose that meridional flow asymmetry is a precursor of asymmetry in hemispherical cycle strength. The symmetric component of meridional flow is observed to be positively correlated with the corresponding symmetric components of the magnetic cycle, also with a time delay. Our analysis sets important constraints on theories for the origin of meridional plasma flow asymmetries and its temporal variations and is relevant for understanding the role of plasma flux transport processes in determining hemispheric asymmetry in the sunspot cycle.