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We report a comprehensive study of the tridimensional nature and orbital character of the low-energy electronic structure in 50% Cobalt doped Ba(Fe1-xCox)(2)As-2 (d(6.5)), by using polarization-and photon energy-dependent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. An extra electron-like Fermi surface is observed around the Brillouin zone boundary compared with isoelectronic KyFe2-xSe2 (d(6.5)). The bands near the Fermi level (E-F) are mainly derived from Fe/Co 3d t(2g) orbitals, revealing visible dispersions along the k(z) direction. In combination with the local density approximation and the dynamical mean-field theory calculations, we find that the As 4p bands are non-renormalized and the whole 3d band needs to be renormalized by a "single" factor of similar to 1.6, indicating moderate electronic correlation effects. The "single" factor description of the correlation strength among the different 3d orbitals is also in sharp contrast to orbital-dependent correlation effects in BaFe2As2. Our findings indicate a remarkable reduction of correlation effects with little difference among 3d orbitals in BaFeCoAs2, due to the increased filling of the electronic 3d shell in the presence of significant Hund's coupling. The results support that the electronic correlation effects and multiple orbital physics play an important role in the superconductivity of the 122 system and in other ferropnictides. Published by AIP Publishing.