We study a dimerized spin chain with biaxial magnetic interacting ions in the presence of externally induced three-site interactions out of equilibrium. In the general case, the three-site interactions play a role in renormalizing the effective uniform magnetic field. We find that the existence of zero-energy Majorana modes is intricately related to the sign of Pfaffian of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamiltonian and the relevant Z(2) topological invariant. In contrast, we show that an exotic spin-liquid phase can emerge in the compass limit through a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) quantum phase transition. Such a BKT transition is characterized by a large dynamic exponent z = 4, and the spin-liquid phase is robust under a uniform magnetic field. We find the relative entropy and the quantum discord can signal the BKT transitions. We also uncover a few differences in deriving the correlation functions for the systems with broken reflection symmetry.