manganese; phosphides; cesium manganese phosphide; mixed valence; magnetism; crystal structure
CsMn2P2 is formed by the reaction of Cs4P6 with Mn and red
phosphorus (Nb ampoule; 1073 K) as black platelets. The
compound is paramagnetic following the Curie-Weiss law above
110 K (mu = 4.81 B.M. / CsMn2P2; theta = -79 K) and orders
antiferromagnetically below 110 K. The magnetic moment
corresponds with the ratio Mn-II : Mn-III = 1:1. CsMn2P2 is
isotypic with BaZn2P2 (tI10; I4/mmm; a = 4.098(1) Angstrom, c =
14.215(4)Angstrom, d(Mn-P) = 2.387(1)Angstrom (4x), d(Cs-P) =
3.718(2)Angstrom (8x)), and shows, therefore, no P-P-bonds. The
different regions of the BaAl4 (ThCr2Si2) structure type are
analysed and parameterized once more.