Binary alloys, Density (optical), Spin fluctuations, Field-induced spin density waves, High purity, Low pressures, Metamagnetic transitions, Quantum criticality, Quantum-critical point, Spin-density-wave, Spin-density-wave order, Two-dimensional, Wave phase, Spin density waves
Measuring the resistivity of high-purity single crystals of Sr3Ru2O7 under pressure, we find strong evidence that the field-induced spin density wave phase at the H∥c metamagnetic transition is suppressed at a surprisingly low pressure of ∼3±1 kbar. This offers the possibility of studying a bare quasi-two-dimensional spin density wave quantum critical point, testing the T→0 K limit of theories of Planckian dissipation and quantum criticality. Preliminary attempts to fit ρ(T) with a quantum critical spin fluctuation model, while encouraging, reveal a need for further, complementary measurements. © 2023 American Physical Society.