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  Reconstruction of Cherenkov image by multiple telescopes of LHAASO-WFCTA

LHASSO Collaboration, Aharonian, F., An, Q., Axikegu, L. X., B., Bai, Y. X., et al. (2022). Reconstruction of Cherenkov image by multiple telescopes of LHAASO-WFCTA. Radiation detection technology and methods, 6, 544-557. doi:10.1007/s41605-022-00342-4.

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LHASSO Collaboration, Author              
Aharonian, F.1, Author                 
An, Q., Author
Axikegu , Author
L. X., Bai, Author
Bai, Y. X., Author
Bao, Y. W., Author
Bastieri, D., Author
Bi, X. J., Author
Bi, Y. J., Author
Cai, J. T., Author
Cao, Zhe, Author
Cao, Zhen, Author
Chang, J., Author
Chang, J. F., Author
Chen, E. S., Author
Chen, Liang, Author
Chen, Liang, Author
Chen, Long, Author
Chen, M. J., Author
Chen, M. L., AuthorChen, Q. H., AuthorChen, S. H., AuthorChen, S. Z., AuthorChen, T. L., AuthorChen, Y., AuthorCheng, H. L., AuthorCheng, N., AuthorCheng, Y. D., AuthorCui, S. W., AuthorCui, X. H., AuthorCui, Y. D., AuthorD’Ettorre Piazzoli, B., AuthorDai, B. Z., AuthorDai, H. L., AuthorDai, Z. G., AuthorDanzengluobu , Authordella Volpe, D., AuthorDuan, K. K., AuthorFan, J. H., AuthorFan, Y. Z., AuthorFan, Z. X., AuthorFang, J., AuthorFang, K., AuthorFeng, C. F., AuthorFeng, L., AuthorFeng, S. H., AuthorFeng, X. T., AuthorFeng, Y. L., AuthorGao, B., AuthorGao, C. D., AuthorGao, L. Q., AuthorGao, Q., AuthorGao, W., AuthorGao, W. K., AuthorGe, M. M., AuthorGeng, L. S., AuthorGong, G. H., AuthorGou, Q. B., AuthorGu, M. H., AuthorGuo, F. L., AuthorGuo, J. G., AuthorGuo, X. L., AuthorGuo, Y. Q., AuthorGuo, Y. Y., AuthorHan, Y. A., AuthorHe, H. H., AuthorHe, H. N., AuthorHe, S. L., AuthorHe, X. B., AuthorHe, Y., AuthorHeller, M., AuthorHor, Y. K., AuthorHou, C., AuthorHou, X., AuthorHu, H. B., AuthorHu, Q., AuthorHu, S., AuthorHu, S. C., AuthorHu, X. J., AuthorHuang, D. H., AuthorHuang, W. H., AuthorHuang, X. T., AuthorHuang, X. Y., AuthorHuang, Y., AuthorHuang, Z. C., AuthorJi, X. L., AuthorJia, H. Y., AuthorJia, K., AuthorJiang, K., AuthorJiang, Z. J., AuthorJin, M., AuthorKang, M. M., AuthorKe, T., AuthorKuleshov, D., AuthorLevochkin, K., AuthorLi, B. B., AuthorLi, Cheng, AuthorLi, Cong, AuthorLi, F., AuthorLi, H. B., AuthorLi, H. C., AuthorLi, H. Y., AuthorLi, J., AuthorLi, Jian, AuthorLi, Jie, AuthorLi, K., AuthorLi, W. L., AuthorLi, X. R., AuthorLi, Xin, AuthorLi, Xin, AuthorLi, Y. Z., AuthorLi, Zhe, AuthorLi, Zhuo, AuthorLiang, E. W., AuthorLiang, Y. F., AuthorLin, S. J., AuthorLiu, B., AuthorLiu, C., AuthorLiu, D., AuthorLiu, H., AuthorLiu, H. D., AuthorLiu, J., AuthorLiu, J. L., AuthorLiu, J. S., AuthorLiu, J. Y., AuthorLiu, M. Y., AuthorLiu, R. Y., AuthorLiu, S. M., AuthorLiu, W., AuthorLiu, Y., AuthorLiu, Y. N., AuthorLong, W. J., AuthorLu, R., AuthorLuo, Q., AuthorLv, H. K., AuthorMa, B. Q., AuthorMa, L. L., AuthorMa, X. H., AuthorMao, J. R., AuthorMasood, A., AuthorMin, Z., AuthorMitthumsiri, W., AuthorNan, Y. C., AuthorOu, Z. W., AuthorPang, B. Y., AuthorPattarakijwanich, P., AuthorPei, Z. Y., AuthorQi, M. Y., AuthorQi, Y. Q., AuthorQiao, B. Q., AuthorQin, J. J., AuthorRuffolo, D., AuthorSáiz, A., AuthorShao, C. Y., AuthorShao, L., AuthorShchegolev, O., AuthorSheng, X. D., AuthorShi, J. Y., AuthorSong, H. C., AuthorStenkin, Yu. V., AuthorStepanov, V., AuthorSu, Y., AuthorSun, Q. N., AuthorSun, X. N., AuthorSun, Z. B., AuthorTam, P. H. T., AuthorTang, Z. B., AuthorTian, W. W., AuthorWang, B. D., AuthorWang, C., AuthorWang, H., AuthorWang, H. G., AuthorWang, J. C., AuthorWang, J. S., AuthorWang, L. P., AuthorWang, L. Y., AuthorWang, R., AuthorWang, R. N., AuthorWang, W., AuthorWang, X. G., AuthorWang, X. Y., AuthorWang, Y., AuthorWang, Y. D., AuthorWang, Y. J., AuthorWang, Y. P., AuthorWang, Z. H., AuthorWang, Z. X., AuthorWang, Zhen, AuthorWang, Zheng, AuthorWei, D. M., AuthorWei, J. J., AuthorWei, Y. J., AuthorWen, T., AuthorWu, C. Y., AuthorWu, H. R., AuthorWu, S., AuthorWu, X. F., AuthorWu, Y. S., AuthorXi, S. Q., AuthorXia, J., AuthorXia, J. J., AuthorXiang, G. M., AuthorXiao, D. X., AuthorXiao, G., AuthorXin, G. G., AuthorXin, Y. L., AuthorXing, Y., AuthorXiong, Z., AuthorXu, D. L., AuthorXu, R. X., AuthorXue, L., AuthorYan, D. H., AuthorYan, J. Z., AuthorYang, C. W., AuthorYang, F. F., AuthorYang, H. W., AuthorYang, J. Y., AuthorYang, L. L., AuthorYang, M. J., AuthorYang, R. Z., AuthorYang, S. B., AuthorYao, Y. H., AuthorYao, Z. G., AuthorYe, Y. M., AuthorYin, L. Q., AuthorYin, N., AuthorYou, X. H., AuthorYou, Z. Y., AuthorYu, Y. H., AuthorYuan, Q., AuthorYue, H., AuthorZeng, H. D., AuthorZeng, T. X., AuthorZeng, W., AuthorZeng, Z. K., AuthorZha, M., AuthorZhai, X. X., AuthorZhang, B. B., AuthorZhang, F., AuthorZhang, H. M., AuthorZhang, H. Y., AuthorZhang, J. L., AuthorZhang, L. X., AuthorZhang, Li, AuthorZhang, Lu, AuthorZhang, P. F., AuthorZhang, P. P., AuthorZhang, R., AuthorZhang, S. B., AuthorZhang, S. R., AuthorZhang, S. S., AuthorZhang, X., AuthorZhang, X. P., AuthorZhang, Y. F., AuthorZhang, Y. L., AuthorZhang, Yi, AuthorZhang, Yong, AuthorZhao, B., AuthorZhao, J., AuthorZhao, L., AuthorZhao, L. Z., AuthorZhao, S. P., AuthorZheng, F., AuthorZheng, Y., AuthorZhou, B., AuthorZhou, H., AuthorZhou, J. N., AuthorZhou, P., AuthorZhou, R., AuthorZhou, X. X., AuthorZhu, C. G., AuthorZhu, F. R., AuthorZhu, H., AuthorZhu, K. J., AuthorZuo, X., Author more..
1Division Prof. Dr. James A. Hinton, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_2074298              


Free keywords: -
 MPINP: Hochenergie-Astrophysik Theorie - Abteilung Hinton
 Abstract: Introduction
One of main scientific goals of the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) is to accurately measure the energy spectra of different cosmic ray compositions around the ‘knee’ region. The Wide Field-of-View (FoV) Cherenkov Telescope Array (WFCTA), which is one of the main detectors of LHAASO and has 18 telescopes, is built to achieve this goal. Multiple telescopes are put together and point to connected directions for a larger FoV.

Telescopes are deployed spatially as close as possible, but due to their own size, the distance between two adjacent telescopes is about 10 m. Therefore, the Cherenkov lateral distribution and the parallax between the two telescopes should be considered in the event building process for images crossing over the boundaries of FoVs of the telescopes. An event building method for Cherenkov images measured by multiple telescopes of WFCTA is developed. The performance of the shower measurements using the combined images is evaluated by comparing with showers that are fully contained by a virtual telescope in simulation.

Results and conclusion
It is proved that the developed event building process can help to increase the FoV of WFCTA by 30% while maintaining the same reconstruction quality, compared to the separate telescope reconstruction method.


 Dates: 2022-09-05
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: 14
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1007/s41605-022-00342-4
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Radiation detection technology and methods
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Singapur : Springer-Verlag
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 6 Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: 544 - 557 Identifier: ISSN: 2509-9930
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/2509-9949