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convection, convective cold pools, field campaigns, Germany, mesoscale, midlatitude, surface-based observations, Aspect ratio, Evaporation, Evaporative cooling systems, Expansion, Life cycle, Rain, Cold pool, Convection, Convective cold pool, Field campaign, Germany, Meso scale, Midlatitudes, Station network, Surface-based, Surface-based observation, Morphology
This study explores the morphology of convective cold pools, that is, their size, shape, and structure, as well as factors controlling their growth using surface-based observations of the Field Experiment on Sub-mesoscale Spatio Temporal Variability in Lindenberg (FESSTVaL). FESSTVaL featured a dense network of 99 custom-built, low-cost measurement stations covering a circular area of 30 km in diameter at sub-mesoscale resolution (distances between 0.1 and 4.8 km) and was held at the Lindenberg Observatory near Berlin (Germany) from May–August 2021. The station network sampled 42 cold-pool events during the 103-day measurement period. The morphological properties of cold pools are derived by interpolating the temperature observations spatially to a Cartesian grid and defining cold pools as individual objects at a given time with a temperature perturbation (Formula presented.) stronger than (Formula presented.) K. The sample of 1232 cold-pool objects with extents sufficiently captured by the network has a median equivalent diameter of 8.5 km. The objects exhibit aspect ratios between 1.5 and 1.6 independent of their size and strength, meaning they are generally not circularly shaped. On average, (Formula presented.) is strongest at the cold-pool center and decreases linearly towards the edge. For the growth phase of four selected events, the cold-pool object area (Formula presented.) scales linearly with the radar-observed, area-integrated rainfall accumulation, while the object-mean temperature perturbation strengthens most efficiently early in the life cycle. The global, radial expansion velocity decreases as the cold pool gets stronger and larger, in contradiction of density-current theory. Instead, (Formula presented.) is a better predictor of the expansion rate. These findings identify cold-air import by precipitation, through both evaporative cooling and convective downdrafts, as the dominant driver of the observed growth. © 2023 The Authors. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of the Royal Meteorological Society.