Clinical-high-risk state of depression; DEEP-IN depression-early-prediction-Inventory; Early recognition; Indicated prevention; Prodromal phase of depression
Background: To decrease the incidence of major depressive episodes, indicated prevention that targets clinical high-risk individuals with first detectable signs that forecast mental disorder is a highly relevant topic of preventive psychiatry. Still little is known about the prodrome of MDE. The aim of the current study was to identify the occurrence of a clinical high-risk state of depression, its duration and symptom constellation.
Methods: Seventy-three patients with a diagnosed affective disorder in partial remission were assessed with our newly developed semi-structured extensive clinical instrument, the DEpression Early Prediction-INventory (DEEP-IN). Within DEEP-IN the course of prodromal symptoms was explored by using a life-chart method.
Results: The significant majority of patients (93.2 %) reported a prodromal phase. The mean duration was 7.9 months (SD = 12.5). Within the group with an identified prodromal phase, psychopathological (95.6 %) as well as somatic symptoms (88.2 %) were reported. Somatic symptoms showed a moderate-to-strong effect of sex with higher prevalence in females than in males (97.6 % vs 73.1 %; V = 0.370).
Limitations: This feasibility study had only a small sample size.
Conclusions: The majority of patients with affective disorders reported a clinical prodromal phase with both psychopathological and somatic symptoms that developed months before the onset of the depressive episode. The development of structured instruments for the assessment of depressive risk states is a promising approach for indicated prevention of depression in the future.