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  Design and performance of the field cage for the XENONnT experiment

XENON Collaboration, Aprile, E., Abe, K., Ahmed Maouloud, S., Althueser, L., Andrieu, B., et al. (2024). Design and performance of the field cage for the XENONnT experiment. The European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 84: 138. doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12296-y.

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XENON Collaboration, Autor              
Aprile, E., Autor
Abe, K., Autor
Ahmed Maouloud, S., Autor
Althueser, L., Autor
Andrieu, B., Autor
Angelino, E., Autor
Angevaare, J. R., Autor
Antochi, V. C., Autor
Antón Martin, D., Autor
Arneodo, F., Autor
Baudis, L., Autor
Baxter, A. L., Autor
Bazyk, M., Autor
Bellagamba, L., Autor
Biondi, R.1, Autor           
Bismark, A., Autor
Brookes, E. J., Autor
Brown, A., Autor
Bruenner, S., Autor
Bruno, G., AutorBudnik, R., AutorBui, T. K., AutorCai, C., AutorCardoso, J. M. R., AutorCichon, D.1, Autor           Cimental Chávez, A. P., AutorColijn, A. P., AutorConrad, J., AutorCuenca-García, J. J., AutorCussonneau, J. P., AutorD’Andrea, V., AutorDecowski, M. P., AutorDi Gangi, P., AutorDiglio, S., AutorEitel, K., AutorElykov, A., AutorFarrell, S., AutorFerella, A. D., AutorFerrari, C., AutorFischer, H., AutorFlierman, M., AutorFulgione, W., AutorFuselli, C., AutorGaemers, P., AutorGaior, R., AutorGallo Rosso, A., AutorGalloway, M., AutorGao, F., AutorGlade-Beucke, R., AutorGrandi, L., AutorGrigat, J., AutorGuan, H., AutorGuida, M.1, Autor           Hammann, R.1, Autor           Higuera, A., AutorHils, C., AutorHoetzsch, L.1, Autor           Hood, N. F., AutorHowlett, J., AutorIacovacci, M., AutorItow, Y., AutorJakob, J., AutorJoerg, F.1, Autor                 Joy, A., AutorKara, M., AutorKavrigin, P., AutorKazama, S., AutorKobayashi, M., AutorKoltman, G., AutorKopec, A., AutorKuger, F., AutorLandsman, H., AutorLang, R. F., AutorLevinson, L., AutorLi, I., AutorLi, S., AutorLiang, S., AutorLindemann, S., AutorLindner, M.1, Autor                 Liu, K., AutorLoizeau, J., AutorLombardi, F., AutorLong, J., AutorLopes, J. A. M., AutorMa, Y., AutorMacolino, C., AutorMahlstedt, J., AutorMancuso, A., AutorManenti, L., AutorMarignetti, F., AutorMarrodán Undagoitia, T.1, Autor           Martens, K., AutorMasbou, J., AutorMasson, D., AutorMasson, E., AutorMastroianni, S., AutorMessina, M., AutorMiuchi, K., AutorMolinario, A., AutorMoriyama, S., AutorMorå, K., AutorMosbacher, Y., AutorMurra, M., AutorMüller, J., AutorNi, K., AutorOberlack, U., AutorPaetsch, B., AutorPalacio, J.1, Autor           Pellegrini, Q., AutorPeres, R., AutorPeters, C., AutorPienaar, J., AutorPierre, M., AutorPlante, G., AutorPollmann, T. R., AutorQi, J., AutorQin, J., AutorRamírez García, D., AutorŠarˇcevi´c, N., AutorShi, J., AutorSingh, R., AutorSanchez, L., Autordos Santos, J. M. F., AutorSarnoff, I., AutorSartorelli, G., AutorSchreiner, J.1, Autor           Schulte, D., AutorSchulte, P., AutorSchulze Eißing, H., AutorSchumann, M., AutorScotto Lavina, L., AutorSelvi, M., AutorSemeria, F., AutorShagin, P., AutorShi, S., AutorShockley, E., AutorSilva, M., AutorSimgen, H.1, Autor                 Takeda, A., AutorTan, P.-L., AutorTerliuk, A.1, Autor           Thers, D., AutorToschi, F., AutorTrinchero, G., AutorTunnell, C., AutorTönnies, F., AutorValerius, K., AutorVolta, G.1, Autor           Weinheimer, C., AutorWeiss, M., AutorWenz, D., AutorWittweg, C., AutorWolf, T.1, Autor           Wu, V. H. S., AutorXing, Y., AutorXu, D., AutorXu, Z., AutorYamashita, M., AutorYang, L., AutorYe, J., AutorYuan, L., AutorZavattini, G., AutorZhong, M., AutorZhu, T., Autor mehr..
1Division Prof. Dr. Manfred Lindner, MPI for Nuclear Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_904549              


Schlagwörter: -
 Zusammenfassung: The precision in reconstructing events detected in a dual-phase time projection chamber depends on an homogeneous and well understood electric field within the liquid target. In the XENONnT TPC the field homogeneity is achieved through a double-array field cage, consisting of two nested arrays of field shaping rings connected by an easily accessible resistor chain. Rather than being connected to the gate electrode, the topmost field shaping ring is independently biased, adding a degree of freedom to tune the electric field during operation. Two-dimensional finite element simulations were used to optimize the field cage, as well as its operation. Simulation results were compared to 83mKr calibration data. This comparison indicates an accumulation of charge on the panels of the TPC which is constant over time, as no evolution of the reconstructed position distribution of events is observed. The simulated electric field was then used to correct the charge signal for the field dependence of the charge yield. This correction resolves the inconsistent measurement of the drift electron lifetime when using different calibrations sources and different field cage tuning voltages.


 Datum: 2024-02-08
 Publikationsstatus: Online veröffentlicht
 Seiten: 12
 Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: -
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: -
 Art der Begutachtung: -
 Identifikatoren: DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-12296-y
 Art des Abschluß: -







Quelle 1

Titel: The European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields
  Kurztitel : EPJ C
Genre der Quelle: Zeitschrift
Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer
Seiten: - Band / Heft: 84 Artikelnummer: 138 Start- / Endseite: - Identifikator: ISSN: 1434-6044