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We recently proposed a two-stage Power-to-Protein technology to produce microbial protein from renewable electric power and CO2. Two stages were operated in series: Clostridium ljungdahlii in Stage A to reduce CO2 with H2 into acetate, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Stage B to utilize O2 and produce microbial protein from acetate. Renewable energy can be used to power water electrolysis to produce H2 and O2. A drawback of Stage A was the need for continuous vitamin supplementation. In this study, by using the more robust thermophilic acetogen Thermoanaerobacter kivui instead of C. ljungdahlii, vitamin supplementation was no longer needed. Additionally, S. cerevisiae produced folate when grown with acetate as a sole carbon source, achieving a total folate concentration of 6.7 mg per 100 g biomass with an average biomass concentration of 3 g l-1. The developed Power-to-Vitamin system enables folate production from renewable power and CO2 with zero or negative net-carbon emissions.