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Sun: helioseismology; Sun: oscillations; Sun: activity; Sun:
heliosphere; Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Context. Helioseismic holography is a useful method for detecting active regions on the Sun's far side and improving space weather forecasts.
Aims: We aim to improve helioseismic holography using a clear formulation of the problem, an accurate forward solver in the frequency domain, and a better understanding of the noise properties.
Methods: Building on the work of Lindsey et al. we define the forward- and backward-propagated wave fields (ingression and egression) in terms of a Green's function. This Green's function is computed using an accurate forward solver in the frequency domain. We analyse overlapping segments of 31 h of SDO/HMI dopplergrams, with a cadence of 24 h. Phase shifts between the ingression and the egression are measured and averaged to detect active regions on the far side.
Results: The phase maps are compared with direct extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) intensity maps from STEREO/EUVI. We confirm that medium-sized active regions can be detected on the far side with high confidence. Their evolution (and possible emergence) can be monitored on a daily time scale. Seismic maps averaged over 3 days provide an active-region detection rate as high as 75% and a false-discovery rate as low as 7% for active regions with areas above one thousandth of a hemisphere. For a large part, these improvements can be attributed to the use of a complete Green's function (all skips) and the use of all available observations on the front side (full pupil).
Conclusions: Improved helioseismic holography enables the study of the evolution of medium-sized active regions on the Sun's far side.