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Electronic structure
We show that certain lattice gauge theories exhibiting disorder-free localization have a characteristic response in spatially averaged spectral functions: a few sharp peaks combined with vanishing response in the zero frequency limit. This reflects the discrete spectra of small clusters of kinetically active regions formed in such gauge theories when they fragment into spatially finite clusters in the localized phase due to the presence of static charges. We obtain the transverse component of the dynamic structure factor, which is probed by neutron scattering experiments, deep in this phase from a combination of analytical estimates and a numerical cluster expansion. We also show that local spectral functions of large finite clusters host discrete peaks whose positions agree with our analytical estimates. Further, information spreading, diagnosed by an unequal time commutator, halts due to real space fragmentation. Our results can be used to distinguish the disorder-free localized phase from conventional paramagnetic counterparts in those frustrated magnets which might realize such an emergent gauge theory.