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  Search for Bc+ → π+μ+μ decays and measurement of the branching fraction ratio B(Bc+ → ψ(2S)π+)/B(Bc+ → J/ψπ+)

LHCb Collaboration, Aaij, R., Abdelmotteleb, A. S. W., Abellan Beteta, C., Abudinén, F., Ackernley, T., et al. (2024). Search for Bc+ → π+μ+μ decays and measurement of the branching fraction ratio B(Bc+ → ψ(2S)π+)/B(Bc+ → J/ψπ+). The European Physical Journal C, 84: 468. doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-12669-x.

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LHCb Collaboration, Author              
Aaij, R., Author
Abdelmotteleb, A. S. W., Author
Abellan Beteta, C., Author
Abudinén, F., Author
Ackernley, T., Author
Adeva, B., Author
Adinolfi, M., Author
Adlarson, P., Author
Afsharnia, H., Author
Agapopoulou, C., Author
Aidala, C. A., Author
Ajaltouni, Z., Author
Akar, S., Author
Akiba, K., Author
Albicocco, P., Author
Albrecht, J., Author
Alessio, F., Author
Alexander, M., Author
Alfonso Albero, A., Author
Aliouche, Z., AuthorAlvarez Cartelle, P., AuthorAmalric, R., AuthorAmato, S., AuthorAmey, J. L., AuthorAmhis, Y., AuthorAn, L., AuthorAnderlini, L., AuthorAndersson, M., AuthorAndreianov, A., AuthorAndreotti, M., AuthorAndreou, D., AuthorAo, D., AuthorArchilli, F., AuthorArtamonov, A., AuthorArtuso, M., AuthorAslanides, E., AuthorAtzeni, M., AuthorAudurier, B., AuthorBachiller Perea, I. B, AuthorBachmann, S., AuthorBachmayer, M., AuthorBack, J. J., AuthorBailly-reyre, A., AuthorBaladron Rodriguez, P., AuthorBalagura, V., AuthorBaldini, W., AuthorBaptista de Souza Leite, J., AuthorBarbetti, M., AuthorBarlow, R. J., AuthorBarsuk, S., AuthorBarter, W., AuthorBartolini, M., AuthorBaryshnikov, F., AuthorBasels, J. M., AuthorBassi, G., AuthorBatsukh, B., AuthorBattig, A., AuthorBay, A., AuthorBeck, A., AuthorBecker, M., AuthorBedeschi, F., AuthorBediaga, I. B., AuthorBeiter, A., AuthorBelin, S., AuthorBellee, V., AuthorBelous, K., AuthorBelov, I., AuthorBelyaev, I., AuthorBenane, G., AuthorBencivenni, G., AuthorBen-Haim, E., AuthorBerezhnoy, A., AuthorBernet, R., AuthorBernet Andres, S., AuthorBerninghoff, D., AuthorBernstein, H. C., AuthorBertella, C., AuthorBertolin, A., AuthorBetancourt, C., AuthorBetti, F., AuthorBezshyiko, Ia., AuthorBhasin, S., AuthorBhom, J., AuthorBian, L., AuthorBieker, M. S., AuthorBiesuz, N. V., AuthorBilloir, P., AuthorBiolchini, A., AuthorBirch, M., AuthorBishop, F. C. R., AuthorBitadze, A., AuthorBizzeti, A., AuthorBlago, M. P., AuthorBlake, T., AuthorBlanc, F., AuthorBlank, J. E., AuthorBlusk, S., AuthorBobulska, D., AuthorBoelhauve, J. A., AuthorBoente Garcia, O., AuthorBoettcher, T., AuthorBoldyrev, A., AuthorBolognani, C. S., AuthorBolzonella, R., AuthorBondar, N., AuthorBorgato, F., AuthorBorghi, S., AuthorBorsato, M., AuthorBorsuk, J. T., AuthorBouchiba, S. A., AuthorBowcock, T. J. V., AuthorBoyer, A., AuthorBozzi, C., AuthorBradley, M. J., AuthorBraun, S., AuthorBrea Rodriguez, A., AuthorBrodzicka, J., AuthorBrossa Gonzalo, A., AuthorBrown, J., AuthorBrundu, D., AuthorBuonaura, A., AuthorBuonincontri, L., AuthorBurke, A. T., AuthorBurr, C., AuthorBursche, A., AuthorButkevich, A., AuthorButter, J. S., AuthorBuytaert, J., AuthorByczynski, W., AuthorCadeddu, S., AuthorCai, H., AuthorCalabrese, R., AuthorCalefice, L., AuthorCali, S., AuthorCalvi, M., AuthorCalvo Gomez, M., AuthorCampana, P., AuthorCampora Perez, D. H., AuthorCampoverde Quezada, A. F., AuthorCapelli, S., AuthorCapriotti, L., AuthorCarbone, A., AuthorCardinale, R., AuthorCardini, A., AuthorCarniti, P., AuthorCarus, L., AuthorCasais Vidal, A., AuthorCaspary, R., AuthorCasse, G., AuthorCattaneo, M., AuthorCavallero, G., AuthorCavallini, V., AuthorCelani, S., AuthorCerasoli, J., AuthorCervenkov, D., AuthorChadwick, A. J., AuthorChahrour, I. C, AuthorChapman, M. 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A., AuthorRuiz Vidal, J., AuthorRyzhikov, A., AuthorRyzka, J., AuthorSaborido Silva, J. J., AuthorSagidova, N., AuthorSahoo, N., AuthorSaitta, B., AuthorSalomoni, M., AuthorSanchez Gras, C., AuthorSanderswood, I., AuthorSantacesaria, R., AuthorSantamarina Rios, C., AuthorSantimaria, M., AuthorSantovetti, E., AuthorSaranin, D., AuthorSarpis, G., AuthorSarpis, M., AuthorSarti, A., AuthorSatriano, C., AuthorSatta, A., AuthorSaur, M., AuthorSavrina, D., AuthorSazak, H., AuthorScantlebury Smead, L. G., AuthorScarabotto, A., AuthorSchael, S., AuthorScherl, S., AuthorSchiller, M., AuthorSchindler, H., AuthorSchmelling, M.1, Author                 Schmidt, B., AuthorSchmitt, S., AuthorSchneider, O., AuthorSchopper, A., AuthorSchubiger, M., AuthorSchulte, S., AuthorSchune, M. 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 MPINP: LHCb - Abteilung Hinton
 Abstract: The first search for nonresonant Bc+ → π+μ+μ decays is reported. The analysis uses proton–proton collision data collected with the LHCb detector between 2011 and 2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9 fb−1 . No evidence for an excess of signal events over background is observed and an upper limit is set on the branching fraction ratio B(Bc+ → π+μ+μ)/B(Bc+ → J/ψπ+) < 2.1×10−4 at 90% confidence level. Additionally, an updated measurement of the ratio of the Bc+ → ψ(2S)π+ and Bc+ → J/ψπ+ branching fractions is reported. The ratio B(Bc+ → ψ(2S)π+)/B(Bc+ → J/ψπ+) is measured to be 0.254 ± 0.018 ± 0.003 ± 0.005, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic, and the third is due to the uncertainties on the branching fractions of the leptonic J/ψ and ψ(2S) decays. This measurement is the most precise to date and is consistent with previous LHCb results.


 Dates: 2024-05-07
 Publication Status: Published online
 Pages: 17
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-12669-x
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: The European Physical Journal C
  Other : The European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields
  Abbreviation : EPJ C
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer
Pages: - Volume / Issue: 84 Sequence Number: 468 Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 1434-6044
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954925624278_3