Antimony compounds, Charge density, Charge density waves, Single crystals, Charge-density-waves, Density wave transition, Einstein relations, First order transitions, Thermal, Thermal transport, Thermalization, Transport measurements, Two phase, Wiedemann-Franz law, Thermal conductivity
We study thermal transport and thermalization in single crystals of CsV3Sb5 through the CDW transition by directly measuring thermal diffusivity (D), thermal conductivity (κ), specific heat (c), and resistivity (ρ). Commensurate with previous reports, we observe a sharp, narrow anomaly in specific heat associated with a first-order transition that results in a CDW state below ∼94 K. While a corresponding sharp anomaly in thermal diffusivity is also observed, resistivity and thermal conductivity only exhibit small steps at the transition, where the feature is sharp for resistivity and broader for thermal conductivity. Scrutinizing the thermal Einstein relation κ=cD, we find that this relation is generally satisfied, except in the narrow two-phase regime of the putative first-order transition. The Wiedemann-Franz law as well seems to work outside the two-phase regime, where strong resemblance between the specific heat and the resistivity derivative below the transition may point to a concurrent emergence of a secondary electronic order parameter. © 2024 American Physical Society.