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  Genomic analysis of intracranial and subcortical brain volumes yields polygenic scores accounting for brain variation across ancestries

García-Marín, L. M., Campos, A. I., Diaz-Torres, S., Rabinowitz, J. A., Ceja, Z., Mitchell, B. L., et al. (in press). Genomic analysis of intracranial and subcortical brain volumes yields polygenic scores accounting for brain variation across ancestries. Nature Genetics.

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García-Marín, Luis M., Author
Campos, Adrian I., Author
Diaz-Torres, Santiago, Author
Rabinowitz, Jill A., Author
Ceja, Zuriel, Author
Mitchell, Brittany L., Author
Grasby, Katrina L., Author
Thorp, Jackson G., Author
Agartz, Ingrid, Author
Alhusaini, Saud, Author
Ames, David, Author
Amouyel, Philippe, Author
Andreassen, Ole A., Author
Arfanakis, Konstantinos, Author
Arias Vasquez, Alejandro , Author
Athanasiu, Lavinia, Author
Bastin, Mark E., Author
Beiser, Alexa S., Author
Bennett, David A., Author
Bis, Joshua C., Author
Boks, Marco P. M., AuthorBoomsma, Dorret I., AuthorBrodaty, Henry, AuthorBrouwer, Rachel M., AuthorBuitelaar, Jan K., AuthorBurkhardt, Ralph, AuthorCahn, Wiepke, AuthorCalhoun, Vince D., AuthorCarmichael, Owen T., AuthorChakravarty, Mallar, AuthorChen, Qiang, AuthorChing, Christopher R. K., AuthorCichon, Sven, AuthorCrespo-Facorro, Benedicto, AuthorCrivello, Fabrice, AuthorDale, Anders M., AuthorSmith, George Davey, AuthorDe Geus, Eco J. C., AuthorDe Jager, Philip L. , AuthorDe Zubicaray, Greig I., AuthorDebette, Stéphanie, AuthorDeCarli, Charles, AuthorDepondt, Chantal, AuthorDesrivières, Sylvane, AuthorDjurovic, Srdjan, AuthorEhrlich, Stefan, AuthorErk, Susanne, AuthorEspeseth, Thomas, AuthorFernández, Guillén, AuthorFilippi, Irina, AuthorFisher, Simon E.1, Author           Fleischman, Debra A., AuthorFletcher, Evan, AuthorFornage, Myriam, AuthorForstner, Andreas J., AuthorFrancks, Clyde1, 2, Author           Franke, Barbara, AuthorGe, Tian, AuthorGoldman, Aaron L., AuthorGrabe, Hans J., AuthorGreen, Robert C., AuthorGrimm, Oliver, AuthorGroenewold, Nynke A., AuthorGruber, Oliver, AuthorGudnason, Vilmundur, AuthorHåberg, Asta K., AuthorHaukvik, Unn K., AuthorHeinz, Andreas, AuthorHibar, Derrek P., AuthorHilal, Saima, AuthorHimali, Jayandra J., AuthorHo, Beng-Choon, AuthorHoehn, David F., AuthorHoekstra, Pieter J., AuthorHofer, Edith, AuthorHoffmann, Wolfgang, AuthorHolmes, Avram J., AuthorHomuth, Georg, AuthorHosten, Norbert, AuthorIkram, M. Kamran, AuthorIpser, Jonathan C., AuthorJack Jr, Clifford R. , AuthorJahanshad, Neda, AuthorJönsson, Erik G., AuthorKahn, Rene S., AuthorKanai, Ryota, AuthorKlein, Marieke, AuthorKnol, Maria J., AuthorLauner, Lenore J., AuthorLawrie, Stephen M., AuthorLe Hellard, Stephanie, AuthorLee, Phil H., AuthorLemaître, Hervé, AuthorLi, Shuo, AuthorLiewald, David C. M., AuthorLin, Honghuang, AuthorLongstreth Jr, W. T. Longstreth, AuthorLopez, Oscar L., AuthorLuciano, Michelle, AuthorMaillard, Pauline, AuthorMarquand, Andre F., AuthorMartin, Nicholas G., AuthorMartinot, Jean-Luc, AuthorMather, Karen A., AuthorMattay, Venkata S., AuthorMcMahon, Katie L., AuthorMecocci, Patrizia, AuthorMelle, Ingrid, AuthorMeyer-Lindenberg, Andreas, AuthorMirza-Schreiber, Nazanin, AuthorMilaneschi, Yuri, AuthorMosley, Thomas H., AuthorMühleisen, Thomas W., AuthorMüller-Myhsok, Bertram, AuthorMuñoz Maniega, Susana , AuthorNauck, Matthias, AuthorNho, Kwangsik, AuthorNiessen, Wiro J., AuthorNöthen, Markus M., AuthorNyquist, Paul A., AuthorOosterlaan, Jaap, AuthorPandolfo, Massimo, AuthorPaus, Tomas, AuthorPausova, Zdenka, AuthorPenninx, Brenda W. J. H., AuthorPike, G. Bruce, AuthorPsaty, Bruce M., AuthorPütz, Benno, AuthorReppermund, Simone, AuthorRietschel, Marcella D., AuthorRisacher, Shannon L., AuthorRomanczuk-Seiferth, Nina, AuthorRomero-Garcia, Rafael, AuthorRoshchupkin, Gennady V., AuthorRotter, Jerome I., AuthorSachdev, Perminder S., AuthorSämann, Philipp G., AuthorSaremi, Arvin, AuthorSargurupremraj, Muralidharan, AuthorSaykin, Andrew J., AuthorSchmaal, Lianne, AuthorSchmidt, Helena, AuthorSchmidt, Reinhold, AuthorSchofield, Peter R., AuthorScholz, Markus, AuthorSchumann, Gunter, AuthorSchwarz, Emanuel, AuthorShen, Li, AuthorShin, Jean, AuthorSisodiya, Sanjay M., AuthorSmith, Albert V., AuthorSmoller, Jordan W., AuthorSoininen, Hilkka S., AuthorSteen, Vidar M., AuthorStein, Dan J., AuthorStein, Jason L., AuthorThomopoulos, Sophia I., AuthorToga, Arthur, AuthorTordesillas-Gutiérrez, Diana T., AuthorTrollor, Julian N., AuthorValdes-Hernandez, Maria C., AuthorVan 't Ent, Dennis , AuthorVan Bokhoven, Hans, AuthorVan der Meer, Dennis, AuthorVan der Wee, Nic J. A., AuthorVázquez-Bourgon, Javier, AuthorVeltman, Dick J., AuthorVernooij, Meike W., AuthorVillringer, Arno, AuthorVinke, Louis N., AuthorVölzke, Henry, AuthorWalter, Henrik, AuthorWardlaw, Joanna M., AuthorWeinberger, Daniel R., AuthorWeiner, Michael W., AuthorWen, Wei, AuthorWestlye, Lars T., AuthorWestman, Eric, AuthorWhite, Tonya, AuthorWitte, A. Veronica, AuthorWolf, Christiane, AuthorYang, Jingyun, AuthorZwiers, Marcel P., AuthorIkram, M. Arfan, AuthorSeshadri, Sudha, AuthorThompson, Paul M., AuthorSatizabal, Claudia L., AuthorMedland, Sarah E., AuthorRentería, Miguel E., Author more..
1Language and Genetics Department, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Max Planck Society, ou_792549              
2Imaging Genomics, MPI for Psycholinguistics, Max Planck Society, ou_2579692              




Language(s): eng - English
 Dates: 2024
 Publication Status: Accepted / In Press
 Pages: -
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: Peer
 Identifiers: -
 Degree: -



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Source 1

Title: Nature Genetics
  Other : Nature Genet.
Source Genre: Journal
Publ. Info: New York, NY : Nature America, Inc.
Pages: - Volume / Issue: - Sequence Number: - Start / End Page: - Identifier: ISSN: 1061-4036
CoNE: https://pure.mpg.de/cone/journals/resource/954925598609