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  Euclid. I. Overview of the Euclid mission

Euclid Collaboration, Mellier, Y., Abdurro'uf, Barroso, J. A. A., Achúcarro, A., Adamek, J., et al. (in preparation). Euclid. I. Overview of the Euclid mission.

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Euclid Collaboration, Author              
Mellier, Y., Author
Abdurro'uf, Author
Barroso, J. A. Acevedo, Author
Achúcarro, A., Author
Adamek, J., Author
Adam, R., Author
Addison, G. E., Author
Aghanim, N., Author
Aguena, M., Author
Ajani, V., Author
Akrami, Y., Author
Al-Bahlawan, A., Author
Alavi, A., Author
Albuquerque, I. S., Author
Alestas, G., Author
Alguero, G., Author
Allaoui, A., Author
Allen, S. W., Author
Allevato, V., Author
Alonso-Tetilla, A. V., AuthorAltieri, B., AuthorAlvarez-Candal, A., AuthorAmara, A., AuthorAmendola, L., AuthorAmiaux, J., AuthorAndika, I. T., AuthorAndreon, S., AuthorAndrews, A., AuthorAngora, G., AuthorAngulo, R. E., AuthorAnnibali, F., AuthorAnselmi, A., AuthorAnselmi, S., AuthorArcari, S., AuthorArchidiacono, M., AuthorAricò, G., AuthorArnaud, M., AuthorArnouts, S., AuthorAsgari, M., AuthorAsorey, J., AuthorAtayde, L., AuthorAtek, H., AuthorAtrio-Barandela, F., AuthorAubert, M., AuthorAubourg, E., AuthorAuphan, T., AuthorAuricchio, N., AuthorAussel, B., AuthorAussel, H., AuthorAvelino, P. P., AuthorAvgoustidis, A., AuthorAvila, S., AuthorAwan, S., AuthorAzzollini, R., AuthorBaccigalupi, C., AuthorBachelet, E., AuthorBacon, D., AuthorBaes, M., AuthorBagley, M. B., AuthorBahr-Kalus, B., AuthorBalaguera-Antolinez, A., AuthorBalbinot, E., AuthorBalcells, M., AuthorBaldi, M., AuthorBaldry, I., AuthorBalestra, A., AuthorBallardini, M., AuthorBallester, O., AuthorBalogh, M., AuthorBañados, E., AuthorBarbier, R., AuthorBardelli, S., AuthorBarreiro, T., AuthorBarriere, J. -C., AuthorBarros, B. J., AuthorBarthelemy, A., AuthorBartolo, N., AuthorBasset, A., AuthorBattaglia, P., AuthorBattisti, A. J., AuthorBaugh, C. M., AuthorBaumont, L., AuthorBazzanini, L., AuthorBeaulieu, J. -P., AuthorBeckmann, V., AuthorBelikov, A. N., AuthorBel, J., AuthorBellagamba, F., AuthorBella, M., AuthorBellini, E., AuthorBenabed, K., AuthorBender, R., AuthorBenevento, G., AuthorBennett, C. L., AuthorBenson, K., AuthorBergamini, P., AuthorBermejo-Climent, J. R., AuthorBernardeau, F., AuthorBertacca, D., AuthorBerthe, M., AuthorBerthier, J., AuthorBethermin, M., AuthorBeutler, F., AuthorBevillon, C., AuthorBhargava, S., AuthorBhatawdekar, R., AuthorBisigello, L., AuthorBiviano, A., AuthorBlake, R. P., AuthorBlanchard, A., AuthorBlazek, J., AuthorBlot, L., AuthorBosco, A., AuthorBodendorf, C., AuthorBoenke, T., AuthorBöhringer, H., AuthorBolzonella, M., AuthorBonchi, A., AuthorBonici, M., AuthorBonino, D., AuthorBonino, L., AuthorBonvin, C., AuthorBon, W., AuthorBooth, J. T., AuthorBorgani, S., AuthorBorlaff, A. S., AuthorBorsato, E., AuthorBosco, A., AuthorBose, B., AuthorBotticella, M. T., AuthorBoucaud, A., AuthorBouche, F., AuthorBoucher, J. S., AuthorBoutigny, D., AuthorBouvard, T., AuthorBouy, H., AuthorBowler, R. A. A., AuthorBozza, V., AuthorBozzo, E., AuthorBranchini, E., AuthorBrau-Nogue, S., AuthorBrekke, P., AuthorBremer, M. N., AuthorBrescia, M., AuthorBreton, M. -A., AuthorBrinchmann, J., AuthorBrinckmann, T., AuthorBrockley-Blatt, C., AuthorBrodwin, M., AuthorBrouard, L., AuthorBrown, M. L., AuthorBruton, S., AuthorBucko, J., AuthorBuddelmeijer, H., AuthorBuenadicha, G., AuthorBuitrago, F., AuthorBurger, P., AuthorBurigana, C., AuthorBusillo, V., AuthorBusonero, D., AuthorCabanac, R., AuthorCabayol-Garcia, L., AuthorCagliari, M. S., AuthorCaillat, A., AuthorCaillat, L., AuthorCalabrese, M., AuthorCalabro, A., AuthorCalderone, G., AuthorCalura, F., AuthorQuevedo, B. Camacho, AuthorCamera, S., AuthorCampos, L., AuthorCanas-Herrera, G., AuthorCandini, G. P., AuthorCantiello, M., AuthorCapobianco, V., AuthorCappellaro, E., AuthorCappelluti, N., AuthorCappi, A., AuthorCaputi, K. I., AuthorCara, C., AuthorCarbone, C., AuthorCardone, V. F., AuthorCarella, E., AuthorCarlberg, R. G., AuthorCarle, M., AuthorCarminati, L., AuthorCaro, F., AuthorCarrasco, J. M., AuthorCarretero, J., AuthorCarrilho, P., AuthorDuque, J. Carron, AuthorCarry, B., AuthorCarvalho, A., AuthorCarvalho, C. S., AuthorCasas, R., AuthorCasas, S., AuthorCasenove, P., AuthorCasey, C. M., AuthorCassata, P., AuthorCastander, F. J., AuthorCastelao, D., AuthorCastellano, M., AuthorCastiblanco, L., AuthorCastignani, G., AuthorCastro, T., AuthorCavet, C., AuthorCavuoti, S., AuthorChabaud, P. -Y., AuthorChambers, K. C., AuthorCharles, Y., AuthorCharlot, S., AuthorChartab, N., AuthorChary, R., AuthorChaumeil, F., AuthorCho, H., AuthorChon, G., AuthorCiancetta, E., AuthorCiliegi, P., AuthorCimatti, A., AuthorCimino, M., AuthorCioni, M. -R. L., AuthorClaydon, R., AuthorCleland, C., AuthorClément, B., AuthorClements, D. L., AuthorClerc, N., AuthorClesse, S., AuthorCodis, S., AuthorCogato, F., AuthorColbert, J., AuthorCole, R. E., AuthorColes, P., AuthorCollett, T. E., AuthorCollins, R. S., AuthorColodro-Conde, C., AuthorColombo, C., AuthorCombes, F., AuthorConforti, V., AuthorCongedo, G., AuthorConseil, S., AuthorConselice, C. J., AuthorContarini, S., AuthorContini, T., AuthorConversi, L., AuthorCooray, A. R., AuthorCopin, Y., AuthorCorasaniti, P. -S., AuthorCorcho-Caballero, P., AuthorCorcione, L., AuthorCordes, O., AuthorCorpace, O., AuthorCorrenti, M., AuthorCostanzi, M., AuthorCostille, A., AuthorCourbin, F., AuthorMifsud, L. Courcoult, AuthorCourtois, H. M., AuthorCousinou, M. -C., AuthorCovone, G., AuthorCowell, T., AuthorCragg, C., AuthorCresci, G., AuthorCristiani, S., AuthorCrocce, M., AuthorCropper, M., AuthorCrouzet, P. E, AuthorCsizi, B., AuthorCuby, J. -G., AuthorCucchetti, E., AuthorCucciati, O., AuthorCuillandre, J. -C., AuthorCunha, P. A. C., AuthorCuozzo, V., AuthorDaddi, E., AuthorD'Addona, M., AuthorDafonte, C., AuthorDagoneau, N., AuthorDalessandro, E., AuthorDalton, G. B., AuthorD'Amico, G., AuthorDannerbauer, H., AuthorDanto, P., AuthorDas, I., AuthorDa Silva, A., Authorda Silva, R., AuthorDaste, G., AuthorDavies, J. E., AuthorDavini, S., Authorde Boer, T., AuthorDecarli, R., AuthorDe Caro, B., AuthorDegaudenzi, H., AuthorDegni, G., Authorde Jong, J. T. A., Authorde la Bella, L. F., Authorde la Torre, S., AuthorDelhaise, F., AuthorDelley, D., AuthorDelucchi, G., AuthorDe Lucia, G., AuthorDenniston, J., AuthorDe Paolis, F., AuthorDe Petris, M., AuthorDerosa, A., AuthorDesai, S., AuthorDesjacques, V., AuthorDespali, G., AuthorDesprez, G., AuthorDe Vicente-Albendea, J., AuthorDeville, Y., AuthorDias, J. D. F., AuthorDíaz-Sánchez, A., AuthorDiaz, J. J., AuthorDi Domizio, S., AuthorDiego, J. M., AuthorDi Ferdinando, D., AuthorDi Giorgio, A. M., AuthorDimauro, P., AuthorDinis, J., AuthorDolag, K., AuthorDolding, C., AuthorDole, H., AuthorSánchez, H. Domínguez, AuthorDoré, O., AuthorDournac, F., AuthorDouspis, M., AuthorDreihahn, H., AuthorDroge, B., AuthorDryer, B., AuthorDubath, F., AuthorDuc, P. -A., AuthorDucret, F., AuthorDuffy, C., AuthorDufresne, F., AuthorDuncan, C. A. J., AuthorDupac, X., AuthorDuret, V., AuthorDurrer, R., AuthorDurret, F., AuthorDusini, S., AuthorEalet, A., AuthorEggemeier, A., AuthorEisenhardt, P. R. M., AuthorElbaz, D., AuthorElkhashab, M. Y., AuthorEllien, A., AuthorEndicott, J., AuthorEnia, A., AuthorErben, T., AuthorVigo, J. A. Escartin, AuthorEscoffier, S., AuthorSanz, I. Escudero, AuthorEssert, J., AuthorEttori, S., AuthorEzziati, M., AuthorFabbian, G., AuthorFabricius, M., AuthorFang, Y., AuthorFarina, A., AuthorFarina, M., AuthorFarinelli, R., AuthorFarrens, S., AuthorFaustini, F., AuthorFeltre, A., AuthorFerguson, A. M. N., AuthorFerrando, P., AuthorFerrari, A. G., AuthorFerré-Mateu, A., AuthorFerreira, P. G., AuthorFerreras, I., AuthorFerrero, I., AuthorFerriol, S., AuthorFerruit, P., AuthorFilleul, D., AuthorFinelli, F., AuthorFinkelstein, S. L., AuthorFinoguenov, A., AuthorFiorini, B., AuthorFlentge, F., AuthorFocardi, P., AuthorFonseca, J., AuthorFontana, A., AuthorFontanot, F., AuthorFornari, F., AuthorFosalba, P., AuthorFossati, M., AuthorFotopoulou, S., AuthorFouchez, D., AuthorFourmanoit, N., AuthorFrailis, M., AuthorFraix-Burnet, D., AuthorFranceschi, E., AuthorFranco, A., AuthorFranzetti, P., AuthorFreihoefer, J., AuthorFrittoli, G., AuthorFrugier, P. -A., AuthorFrusciante, N., AuthorFumagalli, A., AuthorFumagalli, M., AuthorFumana, M., AuthorFu, Y., AuthorGabarra, L., AuthorGaleotta, S., AuthorGalluccio, L., AuthorGanga, K., AuthorGao, H., AuthorGarcía-Bellido, J., AuthorGarcia, K., AuthorGardner, J. P., AuthorGarilli, B., AuthorGaspar-Venancio, L. -M., AuthorGasparetto, T., AuthorGautard, V., AuthorGavazzi, R., AuthorGaztanaga, E., AuthorGenolet, L., AuthorSantos, R. Genova, AuthorGentile, F., AuthorGeorge, K., AuthorGhaffari, Z., AuthorGiacomini, F., AuthorGianotti, F., AuthorGibb, G. P. S., AuthorGillard, W., AuthorGillis, B., AuthorGinolfi, M., AuthorGiocoli, C., AuthorGirardi, M., AuthorGiri, S. K., AuthorGoh, L. W. K., AuthorGómez-Alvarez, P., AuthorGonzalez, A. H., AuthorGonzalez, E. J., AuthorGonzalez, J. C., AuthorBeauchamps, S. Gouyou, AuthorGozaliasl, G., AuthorGracia-Carpio, J., AuthorGrandis, S., AuthorGranett, B. R., AuthorGranvik, M., AuthorGrazian, A., AuthorGregorio, A., AuthorGrenet, C., AuthorGrillo, C., AuthorGrupp, F., AuthorGruppioni, C., AuthorGruppuso, A., AuthorGuerbuez, C., AuthorGuerrini, S., AuthorGuidi, M., AuthorGuillard, P., AuthorGutierrez, C. M., AuthorGuttridge, P., AuthorGuzzo, L., AuthorGwyn, S., AuthorHaapala, J., AuthorHaase, J., AuthorHaddow, C. R., AuthorHailey, M., AuthorHall, A., AuthorHall, D., AuthorHamaus, N., AuthorHaridasu, B. S., AuthorHarnois-Déraps, J., AuthorHarper, C., AuthorHartley, W. G., AuthorHasinger, G., AuthorHassani, F., AuthorHatch, N. A., AuthorHaugan, S. V. H., AuthorHäußler, B., AuthorHeavens, A., AuthorHeisenberg, L., AuthorHelmi, A., AuthorHelou, G., AuthorHemmati, S., AuthorHenares, K., AuthorHerent, O., AuthorHernández-Monteagudo, C., AuthorHeuberger, T., AuthorHewett, P. C., AuthorHeydenreich, S., AuthorHildebrandt, H., AuthorHirschmann, M., AuthorHjorth, J., AuthorHoar, J., AuthorHoekstra, H., AuthorHolland, A. D., AuthorHolliman, M. S., AuthorHolmes, W., AuthorHook, I., AuthorHoreau, B., AuthorHormuth, F., AuthorHornstrup, A., AuthorHosseini, S., AuthorHu, D., AuthorHudelot, P., AuthorHudson, M. J., AuthorHuertas-Company, M., AuthorHuff, E. M., AuthorHughes, A. C. N., AuthorHumphrey, A., AuthorHunt, L. K., AuthorHuynh, D. D., AuthorIbata, R., AuthorIchikawa, K., AuthorIglesias-Groth, S., AuthorIlbert, O., AuthorIlić, S., AuthorIngoglia, L., AuthorIodice, E., AuthorIsrael, H., AuthorIsraelsson, U. E., AuthorIzzo, L., AuthorJablonka, P., AuthorJackson, N., AuthorJacobson, J., AuthorJafariyazani, M., AuthorJahnke, K., AuthorJansen, H., AuthorJarvis, M. J., AuthorJasche, J., AuthorJauzac, M., AuthorJeffrey, N., AuthorJhabvala, M., AuthorJimenez-Teja, Y., AuthorMuñoz, A. Jimenez, AuthorJoachimi, B., AuthorJohansson, P. H., AuthorJoudaki, S., AuthorJullo, E., AuthorKajava, J. J. E., AuthorKang, Y., AuthorKannawadi, A., AuthorKansal, V., AuthorKaragiannis, D., AuthorKärcher, M., AuthorKashlinsky, A., AuthorKazandjian, M. V., AuthorKeck, F., AuthorKeihänen, E., AuthorKerins, E., AuthorKermiche, S., AuthorKhalil, A., AuthorKiessling, A., AuthorKiiveri, K., AuthorKilbinger, M., AuthorKim, J., AuthorKing, R., AuthorKirkpatrick, C. C., AuthorKitching, T., AuthorKluge, M., AuthorKnabenhans, M., AuthorKnapen, J. H., AuthorKnebe, A., AuthorKneib, J. -P., AuthorKohley, R., AuthorKoopmans, L. V. E., AuthorKoskinen, H., AuthorKoulouridis, E., AuthorKou, R., AuthorKovács, A., AuthorKova{č}ić, I., AuthorKowalczyk, A., AuthorKoyama, K., AuthorKraljic, K., AuthorKrause, O., AuthorKruk, S., AuthorKubik, B., AuthorKuchner, U., AuthorKuijken, K., AuthorKümmel, M., AuthorKunz, M., AuthorKurki-Suonio, H., AuthorLacasa, F., AuthorLacey, C. G., AuthorLa Franca, F., AuthorLagarde, N., AuthorLahav, O., AuthorLaigle, C., AuthorLa Marca, A., AuthorLa Marle, O., AuthorLamine, B., AuthorLam, M. C., AuthorLançon, A., AuthorLandt, H., AuthorLanger, M., AuthorLapi, A., AuthorLarcheveque, C., AuthorLarsen, S. S., AuthorLattanzi, M., AuthorLaudisio, F., AuthorLaugier, D., AuthorLaureijs, R., AuthorLavaux, G., AuthorLawrenson, A., AuthorLazanu, A., AuthorLazeyras, T., AuthorBoulc'h, Q. Le, AuthorBrun, A. M. C. Le, AuthorBrun, V. Le, AuthorLeclercq, F., AuthorLee, S., AuthorGraet, J. Le, AuthorLegrand, L., AuthorLeirvik, K. N., AuthorJeune, M. Le, AuthorLembo, M., AuthorMignant, D. 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1Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity, AEI-Golm, MPI for Gravitational Physics, Max Planck Society, ou_1933290              


Free keywords: Astrophysics, Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics, astro-ph.CO, Astrophysics, Galaxy Astrophysics, astro-ph.GA, Astrophysics, Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics, astro-ph.IM
 Abstract: The current standard model of cosmology successfully describes a variety of
measurements, but the nature of its main ingredients, dark matter and dark
energy, remains unknown. Euclid is a medium-class mission in the Cosmic Vision
2015-2025 programme of the European Space Agency (ESA) that will provide
high-resolution optical imaging, as well as near-infrared imaging and
spectroscopy, over about 14,000 deg^2 of extragalactic sky. In addition to
accurate weak lensing and clustering measurements that probe structure
formation over half of the age of the Universe, its primary probes for
cosmology, these exquisite data will enable a wide range of science. This paper
provides a high-level overview of the mission, summarising the survey
characteristics, the various data-processing steps, and data products. We also
highlight the main science objectives and expected performance.


 Dates: 2024-05-22
 Publication Status: Not specified
 Pages: Paper submitted as part of the A&A special issue`Euclid on Sky'
 Publishing info: -
 Table of Contents: -
 Rev. Type: -
 Identifiers: arXiv: 2405.13491
 Degree: -



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