General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, gr-qc,Astrophysics, Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics, astro-ph.CO
We investigate quadratic quasinormal mode coupling in black hole spacetime
through numerical simulations of single perturbed black holes using both
numerical relativity and second-order black hole perturbation theory. Focusing
on the dominant $\ell=|m|=2$ quadrupolar modes, we find good agreement (within
$\sim10\%$) between these approaches, with discrepancies attributed to
truncation error and uncertainties from mode fitting. Our results align with
earlier studies extracting the coupling coefficients from select binary black
hole merger simulations, showing consistency for the same remnant spins.
Notably, the coupling coefficient is insensitive to a diverse range of initial
data, including configurations that led to a significant (up to $5\%$) increase
in the remnant black hole mass. These findings present opportunities for
testing the nonlinear dynamics of general relativity with ground-based
gravitational wave observatories. Lastly, we provide evidence of a bifurcation
in coupling coefficients between counter-rotating and co-rotating quasinormal
modes as black hole spin increases.