Binding energy; Degrees of freedom (mechanics); Niobium; Oligomers; Photoemission; Charge fluctuations; Core-level peaks; Core-level spectra; Energy peaks; Hard X-ray photoemission; Kagome lattice; Magnetic interactions; Mott state; Satellite peaks; Spin 1/2; Chlorine compounds
We report on our hard x-ray photoemission study of Nb3Cl8, wherein the breathing Kagome lattice of Nb provides interesting magnetic properties with spin 1/2 per Nb trimer. The Nb3d5/2 and 3d3/2 core level peaks are accompanied by satellite peaks, suggesting the importance of Nb4d charge degrees of freedom. The Cl1s and 2p core level spectra have high binding energy peaks which can be assigned to the Cl site with Cl3p ligand holes near the center of the Nb trimer. The core level spectra indicate that the Nb-Nb and Nb-Cl charge fluctuations play crucial roles in the magnetic interaction between the trimers. © 2024 American Physical Society.