Free keywords:
lanthanide; fluorescence; diagnosis; imaging
In this account, we will highlight recent progress in the development of multichannel lanthanide-doped (MC-Ln) nanoprobes for highly efficient serodiagnosis and therapy, with a particular focus on our own work. First, we first provide a classification of the types of MC-Ln nanoprobes based on the contained type and number of signals. The merits of different types of nanoprobes and the reason using lanthanides are elucidated. Then, we provide an overview of the current uses of MC-Ln nanoprobes in serodiagnosis and therapy, focusing on the strategic exploration to improve the diagnostic and therapeutic performance from different perspectives. Finally, we present a prospective outlook on the future development and potential issues of next-generation MC-Ln nanoprobes. We hope that this timely account will update our understanding of MC-Ln and similar nanoprobes for bioapplications and provide helpful references for the state-of-the-art tools for serodiagnosis and therapy.