Haplotagging beads are prepared in form of a 96 well plate where each well contains M280-Streptavidin beads linked with complete and barcoded i5 and i7 Tn5-sequencing adapters. Each well contains 884736 well-specific and barcoded Tn5-adapters assembled with Tn5 transposase. Whole plate then has almost 85 million barcodes (96 x 884736 = 84934656 barcodes), with each bead carrying many copies of a single segmented barcode.
The haplotagging beads are used to prepare short-read linked-read sequencing libraries with both i7 and i5 index being 13bp long. High molecule DNA is tagmented with a single bead and all the reads of that DNA molecule will carry the same barcode combination (one of 85 million).